Es mostren les entrades ordenades per data per a la consulta comparative effectiveness. Ordena per rellevància Mostra totes les entrades
Es mostren les entrades ordenades per data per a la consulta comparative effectiveness. Ordena per rellevància Mostra totes les entrades

18 de desembre 2023

Hi ha alternatives al llindar dels QALYs?

Determining the efficiency path to universal health coverage: cost-effectiveness thresholds for 174 countriesbased on growth in life expectancy and health expenditures

Alternatives To The QALY For Comparative Effectiveness Research 

Alternatives to QALY-Based Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Determining the Value of Prescription Drugs and Other Health Interventions

Novel Approaches to Value Assessment Beyond the Cost-Effectiveness Framework

Des d'aquí he mostrat repetidament les dificultats de la fixació de llindars d'anys de vida ajustats per qualitat per decidir cobertura i copsar així el valor de la longevitat i qualitat de vida de les opcions terapèutiques. Avui recupero alguns materials recents que busquen anar més enllà d'aquesta mesura. Es tracta d'una orientació nordamericana perquè les lleis allà no afavoreixen la seva utilització, ans el contrari.

Poso tres referències, una al blog de Health Affairs, un altre oficial, i una tercera de ISPOR. Les alternatives tampoc són del tot satisfactòries però contribueixen al debat.

Ara que Medicare ha de fixar preus màxims per primera vegada, necessita un esquema i aquí va la comparació del que pot fer:

Illustrative comparison of different approaches for CMS to set a maximum fair price

Source: Illustrative evaluation based on author opinion. Notes: evLYG is equal value of life year gained. GRACE is generalized risk-adjusted cost-effectiveness. QALY is quality-adjusted life year. R&D is research and development. Low/Moderate/High refer to the potential of each criterion to achieve the objective.

Cal analitzar en detall la darrera opció, el llindar basat en GRACE+evLYG, ho deixo per un altre dia.
Si voleu tenir els llindars de cost-efectivitat de 174 països fets des d'una perspectiva nova podeu consultar el Lancet:
Cost-effectiveness thresholds per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) ranged between US$87  (Democratic Republic of the Congo) and $95 958 (USA) and were less than 0·5 gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in 96% of low-income countries, 76% of lower-middle-income countries, 31% of upper-middle-income countries, and 26% of high-income countries. Cost-effectiveness thresholds per QALY were less than 1 GDP per capita in 168 (97%) of the 174 countries. Cost-effectiveness thresholds per life-year ranged between $78 and $80 529 and between 0·12 and 1·24 GDP per capita, and were less than 1 GDP per capita in 171 (98%) countries.

 Si voleu conèixer també les limitacions, s'expliquen a aquest comentari.

19 de juny 2023

La competència a mercats farmacèutics protegits per patent

Enhancing competition in on-patent markets 

Algú pot pensar, si un producte farmacèutic està protegit per patent doncs llavors és un monopoli, doncs no. Pot haver-hi alternatives terapèutiques dins el mateix grup que es trobin en competència. I si això és així, llavors ens hem de preguntar quin és el nivell de competència que es produeix realment. 

L'OCDE acaba de donar resposta a la pregunta, i el missatge és que l'impacte en preus és molt limitat. Fins i tot es produeixen augments de preus en contextos on el nou producte no redueix quota de mercat dels anteriors ni el preu.

Aquestes són les conclusions:

 • There is mixed empirical evidence of the existence and impact of therapeutic competition in OECD countries. A review of the literature revealed only very limited evidence of the impact of competition between patented products on prices or market share, with a few studies reporting that the impact may not be discernible until several competing products have entered the market;

• No clear evidence of price competition was observed within those therapeutic classes in our sample with fewer than five therapeutic alternatives. In fact, over the period of the analysis the countries in our sample experienced significant price increases despite the market entry of multiple therapeutic alternatives within the selected drug classes, with prices of follow-on products often higher than those of the first-in-class. Later entrants were also observed to acquire market share without any decline in sales of the first-in-class product, regardless of whether they set a price higher or lower than that of the first-in-class. 

• Policies that define coverage, pricing, prescribing and procurement practices can theoretically shape the extent to which product alternatives compete. 

• While most countries assess comparative effectiveness of alternative products within a therapeutic class, the extent to which that assessment informs policy varies widely, and the extent to which these analyses are used to promote on-patent competition is unclear. 

• While tendering is increasingly used for procurement of medicines, few countries apply it to patented products in both inpatient and outpatient sectors;

• Price competition does not appear to be the default dynamic resulting from successive market entries. Policy settings around pricing, procurement and formulary management must therefore be designed to facilitate and promote competition between patented products.

I aquestes són les quatre recomanacions:

• Ensuring alignment of pricing and procurement policies to create a pro-competitive environment. 

• Optimising the use of formulary management. Payers and health insurers in only a few countries use formulary management to foster competition as leverage in price negotiations in exchange for preferred status on formularies or in clinical algorithms. Where therapeutic alternatives exist, preferred status can be used to encourage competitive pricing as it significantly impacts market share;

• Promoting the use of tendering by class or indication for the treatment of a particular condition; and,

• Utilising evidence of comparative effectiveness to build recognition among the clinical community and competent authorities of the potential value of therapeutic alternatives in driving on-patent competition.

El suggeriment a tenir en compte per al regulador-finançador: utilitzar licitacions enlloc de preus en grups terapèutics equivalents patentats. En un context de preus confidencials, aquesta recomanació encara pren més volada. Se li ha girat feina, si en vol tenir.




31 de maig 2017

Controversies on QALYs

The Limitations of QALY: A Literature Review

After 50 years, valuing health using QALYs is still a daunting task. Basically the debate over ethical considerations, methodological issues and theoretical assumptions, and context or disease specific considerations is still alive. And I would add that it will remain as an open issue. Those that would like a simple metric for a complex issue will fail forever. And this pitfalls are translated to decision making when QALYs are the reference for resource allocation.
I'm unsure about what will be the next step. A recent article explains current limitations, but unfortunately I can't foresee alternative options for the future:

Debate continues to exist on whether QALYs should serve as the central means of health economics analysis. This review examines the potential shortfalls of QALYs, spanning current ethical, methodological, and contextual domains in addition to examining their suitability for regenerative medicine and future technologies. In the UK, NICE currently stipulates a threshold of £20 000 - £30 000 per QALY  when evaluating new therapeutics and/or technologies for NHS adoption, and has used this tool to apply a rational and transparent process to technological adoption for over ten years. Calculating QALY or cost effectiveness thresholds is particularly complex and debate has previously been publicized on whether the value of a QALY should be dictated by first proposing the worth of a QALY and setting the healthcare budget at or below that value, or alternatively, proposing a healthcare budget and then allowing the cost of a QALY to declare itself following purchasing decisions. With the advent of cellular based therapeutics and their comparably high upfront costs, the QALY calculation methodology may need refinement to realise the financial advantages and opportunity costs such interventions may convey – particularly considering the degree of uncertainty associated with them.
Meanwhile we should focus on improving comparative effectiveness of current and new technologies, specially those that are related to precision medicine.


Dr. Heisenberg's Magic Mirror of Uncertainty, 1998

26 d’abril 2017

Toolkit for comparative effectiveness

Methods in comparative effectiveness research

If comparative effectiveness is the new fram for valuing health technologies, then we need the appropriate toolkit. This is not new, I said the same in 2010 and afterwards in this blog. Right now there is a difference, you may read in this 600 pages book all the details about it (a chapter on machine learnisn is missing).
A clear understanding of comparative effectiveness is precisely what the authors of this report have neglected, unfortunately. It doesn't make any sense to start economic evaluation without an assessment of comparative effectiveness. It doesn't make any sense to back for QALYs as an accounting approach. Forget this guidelines, and suggest to read this book.

This volume covers the main areas of quantitative methodology for the design and analysis of CER studies. The volume has four major sections—causal inference; clinical trials; research synthesis; and specialized topics. The audience includes CER methodologists, quantitative-trained researchers interested in CER, and graduate students in statistics, epidemiology, and health services and outcomes research. The book assumes a masters-level course in regression analysis and familiarity with clinical research.

12 de setembre 2016

The US political gridlock on cost-effectiveness

A Framework for Payer Assessment of the Value of New Technologies:A US Approach

USA is well known for its prominent interest in avoiding cost-effectiveness as we know in certain european countries. They talk about comparative effectiveness research, because it fits with their current priorities: What works best? and let's the cost for another day. Forget trade-offs.
If you want to know the recent stuff on the topic, have a look at this article. You'll notice three steps: clinical care value, managing affordability and health system value. It makes sense as a first step. In our country we don't have such official estimates. The next step should be to introduce cost and equity considerations.

Xavier Rodés

04 de juny 2011

Raonable i necessari

Aquesta vegada el Journal of Economic Perspectives ve carregat de valent. Molts temes d'interès relacionats amb la salut.
Avui em referiré a l'article d'en Chandra, Jena i Skinner sobre efectivitat comparada. El text s'ha de llegir sencer i destacaria l'elevada expectativa que dispositen en l'avaluació de l'efectivitat comparada malgrat no hi hagi cost-efectivitat. Comparteixo totalment la seva perspectiva.
Aquesta és la seva posició:
We argue that comparative effectiveness research still holds promise. First, it sidesteps one problem facing cost-effectiveness analysis—the widespread political resistance to the idea of using prices in health care. Such resistance is not just from political interest groups, but also from voters, who even in lab settings often dislike rationing based on cost effectiveness (Nord, Richardson, Street, Kuhse, and Singer, 1995). Second, there is little or no evidence on comparative effectiveness for a vast array of treatments: for example, we don’t know whether proton-beam therapy, a very expensive treatment for prostate cancer (which requires building a cyclotron and a facility the size of a football fifi eld) offers any advantage over conventional approaches. Most drug studies compare new drugs to placebos, rather than “headto- head” with other drugs on the market, leaving a vacuum as to which drug works best (Nathan, 2010). Simply knowing what works and what doesn’t will improve productive effifi ciency by shedding medical practices that are unsafe at any price.
Aquí no tenim ni això encara que la llei tímidament demana avaluar utilitat terapèutica i ningú es preocupa per ara d'aplicar-la. Cal trobar un patró per mesurar aquelles prestacions que són raonables i necessàries.

05 de desembre 2010

Res de nou que no sapigam

Creating A High-Performance System For Comparative Effectiveness Research

El regulador sanitari ha de convertir-se en una organització que aprèn. Aquest és un missatge (elemental) que recupero de l'article de Health Affairs sobre com organitzar l'avaluació de l'efectivitat comparada de les prestacions. Més enllà d'idees elementals, el que podem observar ara és com el països desenvolupats han establert estratègies amb més o menys èxit per tal d'assenyalar a la ciutadania allò que funciona, aquelles tecnologies que aporten salut i a quin cost. És clar, alhora assenyalen les que no funcionen i aquí és on les estratègies de salvació de les inversions financeres originen el lobby i on cal situar una dosi de responsabilitat i realisme. Mentrestant aquí aprop seguim a les fosques, res de nou que no sapigam.

PS. Bé si que hi ha almenys una cosa que no sabem avui, el motiu pel que han destituït a la directora de l'Agència del Medicament.

09 d’octubre 2010

Efectivitat en salut poblacional

Comparative Effectiveness—of What?

Segueixo en Kindig des de fa anys. Les seves aportacions sobre salut poblacional han estat recollides i incorporades per molts autors. Però encara resta molt camí per recórrer. Ara ens explica que amb l'èmfasi en l'efectivitat comparada, podem perdre l'objectiu, que és precisament el de la salut poblacional. Rescata una cita de Fuchs oportuna de l'any 1974 a Who Shall Live:
How much, then, should go for medical care and how much for other
programs affecting health, such as pollution control, fluoridation of
water, accident prevention and the like? There is no simple answer,
partly because the question has rarely been explicitly asked