Avui em referiré a l'article d'en Chandra, Jena i Skinner sobre efectivitat comparada. El text s'ha de llegir sencer i destacaria l'elevada expectativa que dispositen en l'avaluació de l'efectivitat comparada malgrat no hi hagi cost-efectivitat. Comparteixo totalment la seva perspectiva.
Aquesta és la seva posició:
We argue that comparative effectiveness research still holds promise. First, it sidesteps one problem facing cost-effectiveness analysis—the widespread political resistance to the idea of using prices in health care. Such resistance is not just from political interest groups, but also from voters, who even in lab settings often dislike rationing based on cost effectiveness (Nord, Richardson, Street, Kuhse, and Singer, 1995). Second, there is little or no evidence on comparative effectiveness for a vast array of treatments: for example, we don’t know whether proton-beam therapy, a very expensive treatment for prostate cancer (which requires building a cyclotron and a facility the size of a football fifi eld) offers any advantage over conventional approaches. Most drug studies compare new drugs to placebos, rather than “headto- head” with other drugs on the market, leaving a vacuum as to which drug works best (Nathan, 2010). Simply knowing what works and what doesn’t will improve productive effifi ciency by shedding medical practices that are unsafe at any price.Aquí no tenim ni això encara que la llei tímidament demana avaluar utilitat terapèutica i ningú es preocupa per ara d'aplicar-la. Cal trobar un patró per mesurar aquelles prestacions que són raonables i necessàries.