07 de juny 2011


David Cameron puts reputation on the line with five pledges on the future of the NHS

Miro el Telegraph i canviant els noms penso que podria passar ben aprop. L'embolic que s'ha muntat amb la reforma del NHS obliga a en Cameron a sortir i defensar-ne la reputació i les cinc garanties pels ciutadans. Això és el que diu:
The Prime Minister will promise to keep waiting lists low, maintain spending, not to privatise the NHS, to keep care integrated and to remain committed to the “national” part of the health service.
Such is the concern in Downing Street at the damage the issue of NHS reform is causing the Government, that Mr Cameron will put his reputation on the line with a personal pledge to protect its core values. It represents his boldest attempt yet to assuage criticism from his Liberal Democrat Coalition partners and from many health professionals over the impact of the reforms.
In his speech, the Prime Minister will admit that he is willing to act on their concerns after listening to the “profession and patients” during a two-month exercise which was held after Mr Cameron called for a “pause” in the Health Bill’s passage.

PS. I al Lancet trobareu en McKee et al. sobre l'impacte de la reforma en la salut pública britànica i què caldria fer per evitar el desgavell.

PS. Els detalls sobre el projecte de pressupost de salut 2011 els podeu trobar aquí