02 de juny 2011


Accountability in the NHS. Implications of the government's reform programme
Aquest mot anglès el traduim per rendició de comptes, però és més important entendre què significa que simplement traduir-lo. Els de King's Fund acaben de publicar una monografia sobre la qüestió a la llum de la fallida proposta de reforma sanitària.
Encara que sigui una mica llarg, recullo aquí el que en diuen sobre el terme:
‘Accountability’ is an imprecise and contested concept. It has been described as the process of ‘being called to account to some authority for one’s actions’ (Mulgan 2000, p 555). Bovens (2006, p 3) defines accountability as ‘a relationship between an actor and a forum, in which the actor has an obligation to explain and to justify his or her conduct, the forum can pose questions and pass judgment, and the actor may face consequences’. Similar definitions have been put forward elsewhere (Day and Klein 1987; Tuohy 2003; Mulgan 2000, 2003). Despite the variability of definitions, there are some common elements, which have formed the basis for the working definition used in this paper.
Accountability typically refers to a relationship involving answerability, an
obligation to report, to give an account of, actions and non-actions. This indicates that there is an assumed expectation of the need to report and explain, either in person or in writing. A is accountable to B when the former is obliged to inform B about his or her actions and decisions, to justify them, and potentially to be judged on the basis of the account given. Bovens (2006) emphasises the importance of the account being supported by verifiable information that is made public.
Accountability implies that there may be consequences (or sanctions) if the
‘account-giver’ is not able to satisfy the ‘account-holder’ that he or she has fulfilled the objectives set or made effective use of the resources allocated. Klein and New (1998) distinguish between ‘strong’ accountability, where there are sanctions if performance or the account of conduct is unsatisfactory, and ‘soft’ accountability, where an actor is required to justify performance in public (or at least in a transparent process) but no direct sanctions may apply other than perhaps public shaming.
I quan llegeixo això em pregunto, tenim aquí els mecanismes per demanar responsabilitats en els afer públics ? Funcionen?. La meva impressió és que ens resta un llarg camí per recórrer, en especial pel que fa a les consequències dels resultats indesitjats.

PS. Ho he dit alguna altra vegada. Com que hi ha un 24% d'economia submergida, 22,3 % a Catalunya, quan fem comparacions internacionals de despesa sanitària oblidem aquest fet. En realitat la despesa sanitària respecte el PIB és superior si normalitzéssim per l'economia submergida.

 Es Vedrà. Indret màgnífic, màgic. 
Els topònims romanen mentre l'ús de la llengo s'esvaeix, 
racons tel.lúrics que es mantenen mentre l'home trinxa la terra.