Al Lancet em trobo amb un terme desconegut fins ara per mi: gerontolisme, es diu d'aquella tendència a emfasitzat en excés sobre els aspectes positius de l'envelliment. En un article suggerent i ponderat, un professor de geriatria reflexiona sobre l'art i la creativitat en edats avançades i explica als seus alumnes el valor d'envellir. Diu:
Gerontology does not fare much better: most reviews of cognition and ageing focus on what we have lost, and fail to include the wisdom, strategic thinking, and highly developed social cognition of older people. This is not just a matter of political correctness: understanding this balance is integral to understanding counterintuitive gerontological insights, such as how older drivers, despite an array of agerelated disability, remain one of the safest cohorts on the road through their strategic and tactical gains of later life. Most of us will be fortunate to live into old age, and it is not unreasonable to hope that future doctors will be equipped to deal with the complexities, richness, and paradoxical coincidence of growth and loss in later life.PS. Bona notícia. Els llibres de la National Academy of Sciences són disponibles ara gratuitament a la web. Cal aprofitar-ho.
PS. Sobre acords de risc compartit en medicaments innovadors, avui a EP . Si a Catalunya es confirma aquest primer experiment, hi dedicaré una entrada al blog. Mentrestant és només una possibilitat.
PS. Sobre Cameron i NHS, nota de premsa i speech per salvar els errors recents de la política sanitària.
Edvard Munch, Self-Portrait. Between the Clock and the Bed (1940—43)
Oil on canvas, 149·5 × 120·5 cm, Munch Museum, Oslo