Els britànics, que tenen un pollastre muntat considerable des de fa uns mesos, han fet un exercici formal interessant per aclarir-se que cal conèixer. Van crear el NHS Forum:
The NHS Future Forum was launched on 6 April as part of the Government’s listening exercise on the current Health and Social Care Bill. Since then its 45 members have attended around 200 events and have met with over 6,700 people face to face. Over 25,000 people have sent their views to the Forum by email, while a further 4,000 have sent private comments, completed questionnaires or website responses.Aquestes recomanacions han estat reflectides en un conjunt de documents. El govern, una vegada els ha llegit els ha contestat per escrit en aquest informe. Aquesta és una forma acurada de funcionar, m'agrada. Em preocupa el pim, pam, pum proper i la confusió entre defensors de l'interès particular que voler erigir-se en pretesos defensors de l'interès general. En tenim molts, molt aprop.
Set up as an independent group in order to ‘pause, listen and reflect’ on the content of the existing Health and Social Care Bill the Forum has made a series of recommendations.
PS. Novament magistral avui, Francesc-Marc Àlvaro a LV. El millor cronista del moment.