06 de juny 2011


Winning Their Trust

Necessitem confiar per viure dignament. I sobretot, sobretot en l'àmbit de la salut. Al NEJM trobareu una columna magnífica que reflexiona sobre els metges que just acaben la carrera i la seva relació amb els pacients. Llegiu-la. Destaco això:
Most physicians, on graduating from medical school, take an oath to practice medicine ethically, to act altruistically, and to serve those in need of healing. Achieving the best health outcomes will require them to focus not only on treating diseases, but also on building partnerships with patients and guiding them in changing their behaviors. To help patients achieve optimal health, physicians will first have to win their trust.
Així és, cal guanyar-se la confiança dia a dia.

PS. En Krugman a NYT sobre vouchercare.