- 21 new molecular entities (NMEs) were launched on the global market in 2010, a decrease from 26 in the previous year.Aquesta és la informació que ha produït Thomson Reuters. Ho dic per allò de la inversió en I+D que s'acostuma a publicar sense contrast formal dels resultats que s'obtenen.
- 2010 saw the lowest number of NMEs launched by Major Pharma in the past 10 years
- The number of drugs entering Phase I and Phase II trials fell 47% and 53% respectively
- Self-originated molecules have a 20% greater chance of reaching the market from Phase III and Submission versus in-licensed or acquired compounds
- Patient recruitment for clinical trials has shifted towards SE Asia
- The proportion of total sales from drugs reached an all time high of $856 billion*
The 2011 edition of the Pharmaceutical R&D Factbook shows that R&D expenditure continued to drop in 2010 to an estimated three year low of $68 billion, which is in stark contrast to the growth rate leading up to 2008. The report also highlights that drug success rates continue to show the declining trends of the past decade.
Els de Fitch ratings acaben de precisar l'estratègia que segueix la indústria a l'informe que també surt el mateix dia. Al blog del NYT ho expliquen:
Thanks to acquisition and licensing deals, the multinational drug makers, taken as a whole, are on pace to meet last year’s level of 21 new drug approvals by the end of the year in the United States and Europe, the Fitch report said.Tots els informes no són d'accés lliure, així que no podem anar més lluny.
But at the same time, 15 possible new drugs have hit major hurdles since the beginning of the year, mostly because of unfavorable clinical trials, the analysts said.
Recordarem el que deia John Kay sobre la indústria farmacèutica el mes de febrer passat a FT: "When an industry model is broken, the best business strategy may be to manage its decline". A la vista del creixement de vendes, cal dir que la gestió del declivi és altament exitosa.
Boomerang de Manel,
Tant bo és insistir com saber-se retirar...