09 de gener 2015

This is the end, and now what do we do?

Last November I wrote a post asking myself if we had arrived at the end of the public health care system  as we have known it. Today I confirm that we have arrived at this point. I am not alone in this feeling, check this blog, and you'll find similar views. It is really sad to see how a society can lose its opportunities for the future, because neighbours are enacting laws that block any potential solution.Therefore, if we can't change the law there is no need to agree on resolutions in our "Parliament" against it. We can't agree against rule of law, therefore what we have to do is to disconnect as soon as possible and create our own regulations.

Forget current troubles, enjoy this video clip by Juan Luís Guerra - Tus besos

08 de gener 2015

Individual decisions and behaviours: the key for a better health

Informe de salut 2013

After looking at this report on the health of catalans, I would select three issues of general concern: premature death, overweight and alcohol intake (p.29). On premature death, there are five leading causes (p.28): lung cancer, ischemic heart disease, suicide, traffic accidents and other heart diseases. Lung cancer is related to tobaco consumption and we all know that this is the leading preventable cause of disease, disability and death. Though taxation may impact, it relates to an individual decision and behaviour.
The second issue, overweight, needs to be addressed through public policy and depends partially on individual decision and behaviour, again. And the same applies to alcohol intake.
We already knew all that, therefore, what is the next step?

07 de gener 2015

The risk society

One of the most important achievements of our society is how we have been able to manage certain risks in the last century. The mandatory pooling of health risks is in my opinion the most crucial one. Risk regulation on different hazards has protected population from many damages. Medicines regulation agencies would be a good example of that if they worked properly, and we all know it is not always the case. However, it is much better to have them than not, as happens with medical devices in Europe.
Last week, Ulrich Beck died. He is one of the most prominent sociologists of our times. His book, The Risk Society, is still a key reference after four decades. Anthony Giddens has written an excellent obituary that reflects his contributions. We all have to learn from Beck's clever perspectives and observations. In my opinion, up to now we have been able to improve the social management of risks, however there are many shadows that raise doubts about the future. Some people call them the end of the welfare state, while I would like to focus is on new ways of risk protection that are affordable, given the current (and critical) state of public finances.

05 de gener 2015

Understanding the autopilot and nudging it

Nudging: A Very Short Guide

Today I would suggest you to spend one hour watching an excellent documentary about "The magic of unconscious", in catalan here until Jan 9th, and in english here.

Cass  Sunstein recently has published the short guide to nudging and those interested in any concrete application should look at these ten tools:
1. Defaults
2. Simplification
3. Social norms
4. Increases in convenience
5. Disclosure
6. Warnings
7. Precommitments
8. Reminders
9. Eliciting intentions
10. Informing people of the nature and consequences of their own past choices.
Wether they may work or not depends on the details and environment. The hardest task.

31 de desembre 2014

The price of life

A documentary about the rationing of high cost cancer drugs by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.

30 de desembre 2014

Do you really want to know about it?

Recreational genetics is entering into the consumer market. I have explained that governments should be active in restricting such practices because they are closely related with false advertising. Beyond that, governments should be aware also about the implications of creating anxiety in population. This documentary asks if patients should know about their genes, when there is no treatment.

PS. Have a look at this one, about ethical dilemmas on genetic testing:

27 de desembre 2014

Le mécontentement des médecins liberaux

Les médecins libéraux français ont initié une grève jusqu'au 31 Décembre. Les raisons sont dans le projet de loi de santé qui disent l'"etatalisation" du système de santé. Ils demandent vraiment une augmentation de 8,6% des prix de visites de 23 à 25 . Aujourd'hui, je ai lu l'éditorial de Le Monde:  
Le revenu annuel moyen brut d'un generaliste est de 76.600 euros et celui d'un spécialiste de 121.00 euros. Ces revenus restent inférieurs de 25% à 30% à ceux de leurs homologues européens.

Pas mal. Les médecins urgence de l'hôpital ont déclaré une autre grève, le ministre a admis de baisser de 20% le nombre d'heures travaillées par an (!). Cela on peut dire que est un parfait opportunisme, selon le dictionnaire.
L'agitation pour la nouvelle loi est servi. De même en France se plaignent d'un projet de loi de nationalisation inexistante, près d'ici il ya des gens qui parlent de privatisation lorsque toutes les entités sont sous le contrôle publique. La perversion du langage a atteint les limites de l'empoisonnement de l'environnement

Juan Luis Guerra - En el Cielo No Hay Hospital