27 de gener 2024

Revisant l'assistència sanitària basada en el valor

Building on value-based health care: Towards a health system perspective

En una entrevista que li van fer a l'Eric Topol, li preguntaven que en pensava de l'assistència sanitària basada en valor, i va dir que era una broma, posem-ho en context:

It’s a joke, value-based care. Basically, we have one-third of the healthcare, but $3.6 trillion is waste—low-value care. We need to stop that. That’s part of why it’s so costly. And so this whole idea of value-based care doesn’t even get to it. There’s a long list of hundreds of things that each of the professional societies have called out as being shouldn’t be done anymore. And we’re doing it every day, you know, thousands, hundreds of thousands of times, every day and week in this country. We have to get rid of the waste and inappropriate and unnecessary care and we haven’t done anything to do that here of note.

Certament, l'ús del terme value-based se n'ha anat de les mans. En Peter Smith et al. tracten de posar ordre al terme i diuen:

We therefore define health system value to be the contribution of the health system to societal wellbeing. The health system is expected to contribute to wellbeing in a number of respects, which are often expressed as a set of objectives for the health system. There is a core cluster of objectives, developed from the World Health Report 2000 , that has secured widespread acceptance amongst policy-makers as reflecting their central priorities: health improvement, responsiveness, financial protection, efficiency and equity. It is these strategic goals that should reflect the health system’s concept of value.

 i aquestes són les dimensions

Em sembla bé, però no afegeix massa al que ja coneixem de l'OCDE relatiu a Health Systems Performance Assesment.