16 de gener 2024

Quina és la despesa en assegurances privades de salut?

Private health insurance spending

Hi ha de dos tipus d'assegurança privada de salut: obligatòria i voluntària. Aquí hi ha la definició de l'OCDE:

Compulsory private health insurance exists in a number of countries mainly as the primary mechanism through which people obtain coverage for health care services or as a substitute for social health insurance in countries where some population groups can opt out of public health insurance if they obtain private coverage instead. However, in some countries complementary coverage can also be compulsory. The key criteria to distinguish between social health insurance and compulsory private health insurance is that the latter refers to the purchase of an individual or group insurance policy based on private law.

Voluntary private health insurance exists in nearly all countries and generally complements, supplements or duplicates existing health coverage from a publicly financed benefit package. These insurance policies are frequently taken out by individuals but can also be part of a group contract or offered by employers. Together with out-of-pocket spending, voluntary private health insurance spending forms part of “private spending on health” but the two categories differ as with out-of-pocket payments there is no prepayment involved and funds are not pooled across the population 

Tenint en compte això, aquest és el gràfic que ho resumeix tot: 

i aquesta és la proporció que representa a la despesa sanitària  i a la població total: