17 de gener 2024

L'excés de confiança en la tecnologia

 Transforming Healthcare: Navigating Digital Health with a Value-Driven Approach

Aquest dies és prou conegut que hi ha una trobada de decisors mundials a Davos. He mirat que diuen de salut i recupero l'informe que ha preparat BCG. Confirmo el que ja sé, la confiança en la tecnologia com a motor de reforma sanitària està massa sobrevalorada. Suggereixo la lectura d'aquests paràgrafs per arribar a un convenciment:

There is an urgent need to scale digital solutions that both digitize the front-end of care and augment the back-end to address healthcare’s biggest challenges and improve outcomes. Healthcare systems must first define a robust and forward-thinking digital strategy, where government and healthcare system leaders prioritize the digital health investments that can solve the most pressing healthcare challenges globally.

Next, stakeholders in the ecosystem need to build the digital healthcare infrastructure, better incentivize the capturing, sharing and use of data, develop digital health capabilities, align incentives, provide access to funding and create fit-for-purpose regulations and policies in the transition to value-based healthcare.

There is an opportunity for governments and healthcare system leaders to invest in the health of their population, with improvements in healthcare clearly delivering value to all aspects of society. Digital health also presents an opportunity for the private sector to invest in and build businesses, which leads to better health.

Evidentment la tecnologia és inversió, i el canvi organitzatiu resulta en confrontació d'interessos i trencar inèrcies costoses. En Ben Ansell diu que la tecnologia no té opinió, no et contesta, i per això agrada molt a alguns. Entre canvi tecnològic i canvi organitzatiu, el document només parla del primer. 

Stacey Kent