11 de febrer 2024

Polarització política

 THE GREAT POLARIZATION. How Ideas, Power, and Policies Drive Inequality

Llegiré capítols seleccionats d'aquest llibre, m'interesa el 1 i 9 i la part IV.

Índex del llibre:

Introduction, by Joseph E. Stiglitz and Rudiger L. von Arnim

Part I. America’s Growing Inequality

1. Alternative Theories of Inequality: Causes, Consequences, and Policies, by Joseph E. Stiglitz

Part II. Recasting the Evidence in a New Light

2. Labor Market Segmentation and the Distribution of Income, by Ellis Scharfenaker and Markus Schneider

3. The Cost of Gender Inequality: Structural Change and the Labor Share of Income, by Stephanie Seguino and Elissa Braunstein

4. The Postwar Trajectory of the U.S. Labor Share: Structural Change and Secular Stagnation, by Jose Barrales-Ruiz, Ivan Mendieta-Muñoz, Codrina Rada, Ansel Schiavone, and Rudiger L. von Arnim

5. The Changing Patterns of Income Inequality in the United States, 1917–2017, by Gérard Duménil and Dominique Lévy

Part III. Policy Matters: Labor Markets, Education, Tax, and Intellectual Property

6. Policy Decisions’ Role in Wage Suppression and Inequality, by Lawrence Mishel

7. “Leave Something for the Risk-Takers:” How the Democrats Rebuilt Structural Racism and Hastened the Great Polarization, 1964–1978, by Julia Ott

8. Teachers’ Unions and Public Education During the Great Polarization, by Eunice Han and Thomas N. Maloney

9. Is Intellectual Property the Root of All Evil? Patents, Copyrights, and Inequality, by Dean Baker

Part IV. The Political Economy of Inequality: Political Context and the Way Forward

10. The Economic Discourse on Income Inequality, by Korkut A. Ertürk

11. Redistribution and Social Exclusion in the United States and Germany, by Marcel Paret and Michael Levien

12. A Race-Conscious Economic Rights Approach to Providing Economic Security for All, by Darrick Hamilton

13. Law and the Collective Struggle for Economic Justice, by Marion Crain
