24 de febrer 2024

L'atac a la salut (3)

Coercion and Control: Ukraine’s Health Care System under Russian Occupation

Les conseqüències de la guerra són moltes, però durant la guerra l'atac als recursos sanitaris representa una desgràcia d'impacte incalculable, en la mesura que restringeix la capacitat de curar els ferits i salvar vides. Des de Metges pels drets Humans i altres organitzacions fan un seguiment del que està passant a Ucraïna i en aquesta web ho podeu conèixer de forma actualitzada. Hi ha hagut 699 atacs a hospitals, 198 treballadors sanitaris morts i 135 de ferits (!). I a més a més:

Based on the dataset maintained by our organizations, there have been at least:

16 reported incidents where a health facility was repurposed for nonmedical purposes, including as a military base, to store weapons, or to otherwise plan military action;

34 reported incidents where civilian patients were forcefully evicted from a health facility or denied access to health care, and the facility was then reportedly repurposed for the use of wounded soldiers;

23 reported incidents where medical supplies were requisitioned by Russian forces;

15 reported incidents of “passportization” – denying medical care to people without a Russian passport or coercing civilians into obtaining one to access health care; and

68 health care workers who were detained in 17 separate reported incidents.

 I si voleu consultar el detall del que ha estat passant aquests dos anys, l'informe que han fet és altament preocupant. 

 El missatge final:

The destructive impact of a compromised health care system threatens to impose long-lasting and severe hardship on Ukraine’s people. The Russian Federation must end its aggression, cease its violations, and return the administration of Ukraine’s health care system back to the Ukrainian government. 

Pending such a return, protecting health care remains an obligation under international humanitarian law. This includes the protection of health care personnel, patients, and facilities from attack and ensuring the access of all populations in need of health care to adequate and timely care, with no adverse discrimination. Detained medics must also be released.

PS. Anteriors escrits sobre la mateixa qüestió