26 d’agost 2014

The uncertainty over genomics sequencing value in clinical decision making

Assessing Genomic Sequencing Information for Health Care Decision Making: Workshop Summary

"The value of genetic sequence information will depend on how it is used in the clinic", key statement that needs some elaboration. This is precisely what the IOM report does, you'll find in their pages the current situation about how genomics may impact in decision making. In chapter 5 you'll understand how an insurer decides about coverage of such tests according to 5 criteria:
1. The test or treatment must have final approval from appropriate governmental regulatory bodies, where required;
2. scientific evidence must permit conclusions about its effect on medical outcomes;
3. technology must improve net health outcomes;
4. the technology must provide as much health benefit as established alternatives; and
5. the improvement in health must be attainable outside investigational settings.
Unfortunately, if you start from the first one, you'll find a complete lack of references by governmental bodies on the approval of such tests. Therefore, I can't understand from the chapter how successful they are on such process.
While reading the book you'll increase your uncertainty about outcomes and value of genomic tests instead of reducing it. This was my impression. Let's wait for future good news, again.

PS. Summary of the report:
"Clinical use of DNA sequencing relies on identifying linkages between diseases and genetic variants or groups of variants. More than 140,000 germline mutations have been submitted to the Human Gene Mutation Database and almost 12,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms have currently been associated with various diseases, including Alzheimer’s and type 2 diabetes, but the majority of associations have not been rigorously confirmed and may play only a minor role in disease. Because of the lack of evidence available for assessing variants, evaluation bodies have made few recommendations for the use of genetic tests in health care."