28 de juliol 2012

Una recessió saludable?


Els animals s'adapten al medi, els humans també. I si el medi esdevé hostil, aleshores prenem precaucions. Si aquesta recessió ha portat a canviar els comportaments individuals cap a un estil de vida més saludable aquí aprop encara no ho sabem. A Islàndia en canvi ja ho han confirmat. Les conclusions d'un article de NBER són les següents:
The 2008 economic crisis in Iceland led to reductions in all health-compromising
behaviors examined—smoking; heavy drinking; consumption of sugared soft drinks, sweets, and fast food; and indoor tanning. It also led to reductions in certain health-promoting behaviors but increased others. Specifically, the crisis reduced consumption of fruits and vegetables but
increased consumption of fish oil and getting the recommended amount of sleep. Generally, the
effects of the crisis on health-compromising behaviors were stronger for the working-age
population than for the adult population overall.
Changes in hours of work, real household income, wealth, and mental health explained
some of the effects on health-compromising behaviors, ranging from 9% for smoking to 42% for heavy drinking. For health-promoting behaviors, these factors reduced the effects of the crisis only for fish oil and vitamins/supplements, by about one third. We inferred that broad-based factors—such as prices, which increased over 27% in Iceland between 2007 and 2009—played a large role in the effects of the crisis on health behaviors. We exploited our ability to isolate behavioral changes that are likely due, at least in large part, to price changes, to compute participation elasticities for the various goods. We found inelastic responses to price changes for alcohol and sugared soft drinks and elastic responses for smoking, sweets, indoor tanning, and fast food. Health-promoting behaviors revealed less price sensitivity overall compared to health compromising behaviors.
Així doncs semblaria que a Islàndia la recessió és força bona per la salut. En qualsevol cas, això cal agafar-ho amb pinces i no es pot generalitzar ni extendre temporalment més enllà de l'anàlisi feta. Més aviat diria que cal que ens preguntem si cal una recessió per arribar a comportaments saludables o potser ja va sent hora de fer-ho al marge de l'evolució de l'economia.
M'ha agradat això de conèixer l'elasticitat de la demanda abans i després, convindria calcular-ho per aquí aprop. Sabem que el consum retail ha caigut un 9,8% en un any i encara no sabem qué han prioritzat els ciutadans davant aquesta impressionant retallada en el consum domèstic.

27 de juliol 2012

Quantes vegades vas al metge?

Income-Related Inequalities in Health Service Utilisation in 19 OECD Countries, 2008-2009

 La comparació de la distribució de la renda amb la necessitat de salut és l'objectiu d'anàlisi d'un paper recent de l'OCDE referit a 19 països. Els conceptes bàsics:
Inequality and inequity of care are two key concepts. Here, inequality in health care utilisation refers to the differences in use that can be observed between individuals or population groups,whereas inequity refers to those differences remaining after adjustment for need for health care. In thisstudy, adjustment for need has been made for doctor visits only, with equal need assumed for dental visits and cancer screening. Horizontal equity is the principle that requires that people in equal need of health care are treated equally, irrespective of individual characteristics such as income, place of residence or race.
La probabilitat d'anar al metge al darrers 12 mesos es troba entre el 68% (USA) i el 91% (França). El més inequitatiu en accés és USA, i el menys Dinamarca. La inequitat en freqüencia de visites totals és màxima a Polònia, seguida d'USA i Espanya. La menor inequitat en freqüència torna a ser Dinamarca. La inequitat de freqüència a especialistes ve encapçalada per Espanya (i en el cas dels dentistes queda en segona posició).
El resum:
Horizontal inequities and inequalities in health care utilisation persist across the 19 OECD countries studied. After adjustment for needs for health care, the better-off are more likely to visit doctors - especially specialists - than those with lower incomes. With GP contacts, the scenario is different. In most countries, for the same level of need for health care, the worse-off are as likely as the better-off to contact a GP, and they visit more often. Income-related  inequalities in breast cancer screening appear in around half of all countries, with a higher rate among the better-off. Pro-rich inequalities in dental visits and in cervical cancer screening are present in almost all countries.
A la pregunta del dia, -quantes vegades vas al metge- cal respondre per aquí aprop, que depèn de si vas a l'especialista o al metge de família. En el primer cas, més concretament depèn de la butxaca, aquesta és la resposta de l'estudi. En el segon cas depén de la necessitat de resoldre un problema de salut. Comencen els jocs olímpics i ja s'ha adjudicat una medalla d'or i una altra de bronze.

PS. El desgavell del honoraris mèdics lliures a França, un excés de 2.400 milions d'euros en un any. A Le Monde. I a Le Monde diplomatique exploren altres vies per la sanitat pública (francesa).

PS. Els mercats encara són persones. Ho podeu contrastar Le Monde Diplomatique.

26 de juliol 2012

Persones malaltes, poblacions malaltes

Informe de Salut de Catalunya 2011

Quan Geofrey Rose va escriure el seu article fonamental en epidemiologia - Sick individuals and sick populations - en realitat estava destriant quin ha de ser el fonament de les polítiques de la salut pública i les paradoxes que l'envolten. Al resum deia que l'origen de les malalties s'enfronta a dues qüestions, els determinants dels casos individuals, i els determinants de la taxa d'incidència:
If exposure to a necessary agent is homogeneous within a population, then case/control and cohort methods will fail to detect it: they will only identify markers of susceptibility. The corresponding strategies in control are the 'high-risk' approach, which seeks to protect susceptible individuals, and the population approach, which seeks to control the causes of incidence. The two approaches are not usually in competition, but the prior concern should always be to discover and control the causes of incidence.
 Això que s'escrivia el 1985 segueix sent d'interès, malgrat els necessaris matisos fruit de l'evolució del coneixement. Tot mirant l'informe sobre la salut dels catalans, veig que el 60% de les causes de la mortalitat evitable són susceptibles d'actuació mitjançant polítiques sanitàries intersectorials, mentre que el 40% seria per part dels serveis de salut. Caldria pensar doncs en l'estratègia poblacional de Rose en primer lloc si volem reduir més la mortalitat evitable que representa el 13,6% de les defuncions (16,2 H, 9,8 D). Hem d'estar satisfets que hagi disminuït un 14% entre 2005 i 2009, però cal restar amatents (p.105). Aquesta dada també incorpora una reducció de mortalitat per accidents de trànsit, 40% en cinc anys, i en certa mesura caldria ajustar-la per l'exposició al risc, que previsiblement ha disminuït amb la crisi.
Si voleu fer una ullada a les tendències de l'esperança de vida a Europa, mireu al IJE. Curiosament a l'informe que comento no es mostren aquest tipus de dades. S'en deuen haver oblidat.

PS. Reprodueixo el manifest del col·lectiu EMMA i m'hi adhereixo
What's really going on in Catalonia (Notes on the present financial crisis in Spain and the political options for Catalans)
A full-fledged bailout of Spain is now taken for granted by most observers. In the meantime, Mr. Rajoy's government has grudgingly agreed to submit its finances to external oversight and to implement some overdue reforms. It is unlikely, however, that the measures it has taken can actually put the country's economy on the right track. So far, they seem to be designed to raise money for the state's operation rather than to stimulate growth and create jobs. And while the need for austerity is unquestionable, there are serious doubts about the focus of the spending cuts and about the selective way in which they are applied. In fact, the central government is passing much of the pain on to the regional and local administrations, which are responsible for the provision of most basic services. We are already witnessing the damaging effect of those policies on the lives of citizens and some foreseeable angry reactions.

At first glance, and given the regions' histories of carefree spending while times were good, efforts to rein them in might seem reasonable. We shouldn't forget, however, that the central government itself has been just as guilty of wastefulness and poor management, and that it's still refusing to give up some very expensive and very questionable programs. Also, restrictions are imposed across the board, making no distinction between the communities that rely on their own money to pay for the services they provide and those that are essentially living –quite regally in some cases– on public funds that the central government has extracted from the former. And no regard is given to whether or not individual regional administrations have been acting to control their budgets and to put their house in order, or to how well they're doing on that count.

Admittedly, Catalonia's record in the making of today's crisis is not brilliant. Like other southern European societies, it got used to living beyond its means. The real estate boom, encouraged by cheap credit and slack financial and political supervision, created the illusion of riches that is at the root of the present troubles. At the same time, the irresponsible policies of previous regional administrations have left a poisonous legacy of public debt. Catalans have brought upon themselves much of their hardship, but their economy remains strong enough to overcome the situation, and their burden of public and private debt would be manageable in the short to medium term if Catalonia had full use of the revenue it generates.

But today we are facing a grotesque situation in which the central government –a net recipient of Catalan resources– threatens with intervention a community that was the first to implement painful austerity measures and whose economy, if given a chance to develop, could best ensure the state's economic viability. Indeed, long before Mr. Rajoy was finally compelled to act by the country's EU overseers, the Catalan administration under President Artur Mas had set out implementing an unpopular policy of fiscal adjustment. Now it is being asked by the central government to inflict on its citizens one more round of cuts that jeopardize not only the provision of services but also most productive investments in infrastructures, education or research that are essential for any society's future. In fact, the central government is demanding of Catalonia sacrifices that it wouldn't dream of imposing on itself.


Mr. Mas now finds his government's every move constrained by the dire need of financing for its day-to-day operation, while the necessary funds can be released or withheld by the central government essentially at its discretion. So far he has chosen to treat this as a strictly financial problem and, following this line, he's trying to reach with the other political parties in Catalonia a consensus position that could be a basis to renegotiate the fiscal relationship between Catalonia and the Spanish central government. However, some Catalan officials will admit in private that, even if that consensus could be found at home, the chances of an agreement with Madrid are almost nil. As long as the continuity of the Spanish project depends on the funds obtained from Catalonia, the central government can hardly afford to give Catalans a just financial deal without endangering the very survival of the state.

The ruling coalition would like to keep all its options open, but as things now stand Mr. Mas may well be running out of them. Essentially, he can insist on a negotiation and try to wring from the Spanish government some sort of compromise, even if he's aware that all he can expect is just another bad deal that would only postpone the inevitable showdown. Or he could go for a clean break with a state that doesn't feel it needs to sit and talk with a province that it can control absolutely as long as it holds the purse strings.

On the home front, influential players in the economic scene are reluctant to go along with any steps that could lead to a major confrontation with Spain. This is also the position taken by representatives of unionist parties in Catalonia, who insist on preserving the status quo even if it's clearly damaging for their constituents. No wonder this approach has made them lose support in every election.

On the other hand, a clean break is exactly what a large body of Catalans –civil society organizations, local councils, the rank-and-file of various parties and a growing number of private individuals– appears to be demanding from its leaders. The latest polls show support for independence at over fifty per cent, while the numbers of those squarely opposing it –now around twenty-one percent– continue to fall.

Understandably, economic grievances are cited by many of the Catalans who have been warming up to the idea of independence in the past few months. When citizens are being subjected to service cuts and tax hikes while a big chunk of the revenue they generate continues to be siphoned off by the central government, the economy would be a good enough reason for Catalans to give some serious thought to political separation from a state that is clearly working against their interests.

But it would be wrong to characterize this as a mere financial dispute between a province and its capital. There is a more fundamental disagreement, which is of a political nature and whose solution would imply a complete redefinition of the state that no one outside of Catalonia is even ready to consider. These deeper problems will be impossible to solve as long as Spain refuses to acknowledge the existence within the state of very diverse societies with conflicting sets of values and to revise some tenets that it regards as essential to its national being.


For a growing number of Catalans, Spain is a dead-end road, incapable of healing itself and offering them no perspectives except more of the same old systematic plunder of their hard-earned resources at the same time that it uses every opportunity to stamp out their national character. And they see the only way out in a peaceful, orderly and responsible process of political independence.

There are justified concerns, domestically and internationally, over the can of worms that a process of independence could open. Independence can indeed be messy, and today Europe and the world may think that they can ill afford an open conflict and an added source of instability. And yet, conflict is what has defined the relation between Catalonia and Spain for at least three hundred years, and instability –a systemic, unsolvable form of instability– is what we already have there. Conversely, the emergence of Catalonia as a solid political reality, creditworthy and ready to face up to its international obligations, would surely become a source of stability in the south of Europe.

As a result of the financial crisis, many outside observers have become aware of Spain's economic and political shortcomings, and some may now begin to see Catalonia as what it is –a viable and active community that is being made to pay for the incurable flaws of a political project that for three hundred years has been incapable of building a cohesive project for its constituent peoples.

Beyond their immediate difficulties, Catalans are now calling for a brand new long-term political project allowing the survival of an economic, social and cultural model that, in spite of all the obstacles and shortcomings, both external and self-imposed, has succeeded in building a relatively prosperous, creative and inclusive society.

In Catalonia today the people are well ahead of their government. They expect from their leadership that it takes on its responsibilities towards the present and future generations. If their government chooses to heed this call and throw its weight behind them, many more will come round. If it doesn't, Catalans are likely to forge ahead no matter what, either by their government's side or marching in front of it to show the only way to a better future.

These notes were prepared by Col·lectiu Emma and have the endorsement of a number of respected civil society representatives.

Alícia Adserà (Princeton University), Sebastià Alzamora (writer), Carles Boix (Princeton University), David Boronat (entrepreneur), Enric Bou (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia), Jaume Cabré (writer), Miquel Calçada (journalist and businessman), Salvador Cardús (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Ramon Carner (Cercle Català de Negocis), Muriel Casals (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Àngel Castiñeira (ESADE), Liz Castro (writer), Jordi Comas (architect), Xavier Cuadras (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Jordi Cuixart (businessman), Ramon Folch (businessman), Jordi Galí (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), M Dolors Genovés (journalist and historian), Josep Ginebra (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Modest Guinjoan (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Jaume López (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Josep Maria Lozano (ESADE), Isidor Marí (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), Isabel-Helena Martí (businesswoman), Rita Marzoa (journalist), Francesc Mortés (businessman), Ferran Requejo (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Joan Ramon Resina (Stanford University), Xavier Roig (writer and engineer), Jaume Soler (accoustician), Miquel Strubell (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), Àlex Susanna (writer), Quim Torra (editor), Jordi Torras (entrepreneur), Matthew Tree (writer), Ramon Tremosa (MEP, Universitat de Barcelona), Jaume Vallcorba (Fundació Catalunya Estat), Jaume Ventura (Universitat Pompeu Fabra).

Endorsement's update: Update: Germà Bel (Universitat de Barcelona), Martí Boada (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Susan Digiacomo (Universitat Rovira i Virgili), Josep Gifreu (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Josep Maria Figueres (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Jordi Graupera (journalist), Antoni Maria Piqué (journalist)

25 de juliol 2012

No apte per a pusil·lànimes

L'embolic britànic de la reforma sanitària agafa proporcions insospitades. Llegeixo a FT el comentari oportú d'en Timmins i resto perplex. Sembla que sigui aquí aprop. L'anàlisi aprofundida del desgavell que s'ha produït en el procés de reforma, és molt bona -a mess that will be hard to operate-. Cal llegir-la sencera.

Some lessons are obvious. Do not attempt major reform to a service that touches everyone’s lives without discussing it first. Do not hide plans from the electorate. In a coalition, involve some policy expertise when you are designing your proposals. Do not have the hubris to paint evolution as revolution. Do not legislate more than necessary. And win some support for your plans ahead of launching them.
Medical responsibility for commissioning, however, may mean doctors can sell changes to the public in a way that politicians simply cannot. And doctors may be able to challenge poorly performing medics in ways that managers cannot. But in Mr Lansley’s case, the clinicians were never recruited to the cause, and the managers – needed to help make some of these changes happen – were belittled as mere bureaucrats.
There remains an intriguing, if far from likely, outcome to this drama. Precisely because the reforms build on elements of what was already happening, there may be a greater chance they will work tolerably than the critics will currently accept. In which case, the health secretary, a dogged, obdurate man with some of the world’s worst communication skills, may yet emerge as something of a hero of public service reform.
Com diu l'article, una reforma del NHS que no està a l'abast dels pusil·lànimes. I vist el que explica cal preguntar-se si està feta per als ciutadans.

PS. pusil·lànime. adj. [LC] D’ànim feble i tímid.

PS. La infecció d'hepatitis C al món.

24 de juliol 2012

El medicament més car de la història de la humanitat

A Europa s'ha aprovat un nou medicament per tractar la deficiència de lipoproteinlipasa.Una malaltia que afecta 1-2 persones de cada milió, diuen. El tractament sortirà a un preu ajustat  de 1.250.000 euros a pagar durant els cinc anys que dura. El motiu d'aquest preu tant alt és que el "mercat" és estret i per això a més a més té deu anys més de comercialització exclusiva. Es desconeixen detalls d'efectivitat i per tant encara menys del cost efectivitat. Intueixo que el llindar del NICE resultarà dificil de passar, però disposen d'excepcions que potser seran d'aplicació. Aquí caldrà veure com es resol, però ja ho puc aventurar. El govern central ho aprovarà i les comunitats autònomes (sense pressupost) ho hauran d'afrontar. Mentrestant la reflexió sobre el racionament fonamentat es deixarà per un altre dia. Ho deixo dit.

PS. A FT m'expliquen que l'aprovació del medicament ha estat controvertida. Només 27 persones a l'assaig clínic.  La primera decisió va ser de rebuig, la posterior aprovació només va dirigida a aquells que sofreixin pancreatitis repetida. Al ser la primera teràpia gènica aprovada, cal estar atents a la seguretat. Un vector viral permet aplicar el gen de la proteína a les cel.lules musculars.

PS. Estigueu alerta. Si ja sabem que els hospitals concertats no cobraran aquest mes de juliol els 345 milions de euros de la Generalitat, els propers dies podem veure un procés singular anomenat: AUTORESCAT. No cerqueu el terme al diccionari, és nou. Serem l'únic país del món que demanem liquiditat als veïns perquè ens la donin amb els nostres diners!!!. És indignant haver d'admetre que tenim 42 mil milions de deute públic, que podem cancel.lar amb dos anys i mig de cop sense cap problema. Només necessitem que no ens prenguin els 16 mil milions anuals de dèficit fiscal, i ens tornin els que ja ens han pres. Avui ho explica amb tot detall FT.:
“If there is anyone who believes the problem is Spain’s territorial structure they haven’t understood anything,” Andreu Mas Colell, a former Harvard economics professor and now the Catalan government finance chief, told the FT. “We are being treated as subjects not partners,” he said after a bruising meeting with Mr Montoro.
Mr Mas Colell argues that the Catalan government now contributes much more to the central government than it receives. He wants to see the Catalans gain the right to collect their own taxes, much like the Basques.
The Basque government collects nearly all taxes and has kept its debt and regional deficit under control, providing high-quality public services but transferring about eight times less per capita to the Spanish fiscal pot than the Catalans. In the future, Mr Mas Colell says, Catalonia should have the same right to raise taxes and contribute less than the €16bn, or 9 per cent of regional GDP, it sends to Madrid each year.
I com que no ens els tornaran i ens els seguiran prenent, s'ha acabat el bròquil, és l'hora de dir tots plegats cordialment només una paraula: Adeu-siau.

PS. En aquests moments tant difícils només em tranquilitza tenir el conseller d'economia que tenim. Només ell podia encabir avui a FT un missatge com aquest el mateix dia que un ministre es troba amb un altre ministre i que es quedarà de pedra quan ho vegi.

PS. Ja sabeu que he manifestat repetidament que les vendes a curt s'havien de prohibir el 2008, a l'inici de la crisi. Ho fan ara i només per tres mesos...

23 de juliol 2012

Dos segles preocupats pel valor dels medicaments

 Two Centuries of Assessing Drug Risks

L'evolució de la medicina és també fruit de la contribució dels medicaments. I al NEJM trobareu un article suggerent d'Avorn on explica com l'avaluació dels medicaments ha estat un llarg camí encara inacabat. Resulta d'interès posar en context com a l'inici del segle XX apareix una preocupació per les patents i els dubtes que genera conèixer què hi ha al darrera de cada medicament -equivalent al que succeeix ara amb l'òmica-, i com fins 1938 no es posa un cert ordre amb la FDA.
De tot l'article, l'explicació del rofecoxib és d'allò més oportuna. Exemplifica com després d'haver introduït mecanismes d'avaluació, és possible escapar-se'n i que l'interès econòmic superi al de la salut poblacional. Diu Avorn:
In the wake of its withdrawal, influential reports from the Institute of Medicine and the Government  Accountability Office, along with Congressional hearings, questioned how a drug that nearly doubled the risk of myocardial infarction or stroke could have been used by more than 20 million Americans over 5 years without that risk being widely appreciated. The debate highlighted the inadequacy of the FDA’s reliance on spontaneously reported adverse events as a main method of ongoing drug-safety surveillance. In the resulting FDA Amendments Act of 2007, Congress required the FDA to develop a near-real-time surveillance system capable of scanning the electronic records of more than 100 million Americans by 2012. This  “Sentinel System” is now operational (2011b).
Ara caldria afegir aquí allò que us explicava fa unes setmanes en un PS. Malgrat tots aquests sistemes d'alerta, una empresa farmacèutica es va oblidar recentment d'informar de 80.000 reaccions adverses...
Passats els anys, crec que la sofisticació tècnica en l'avaluació és desitjable però sempre acabarà topant amb l'ànima humana i les seues motivacions profundes. Confiar en l'ètica dels negocis és una possibilitat, però observant ara mateix el nostre voltant esdevé naïf, del tot insuficient.

20 de juliol 2012

Validesa i utilitat de l'òmica

Evolution of Translational Omics: Lessons Learned and the Path Forward
 L'"Òmica" és un terme que abasta múltiples disciplines moleculars, que impliquen la caracterització dels conjunts globals de molècules biològiques, com ara ADN, ARN, proteïnes, i metabòlits. Per exemple, la genòmica investiga milers de seqüències d'ADN, la  transcriptòmica investiga totes o moltes transcripcions de gens, la proteòmica investiga un gran nombre de proteïnes, i metabolòmica investiga grans conjunts de metabòlits.
Així comença el llibre de l'IOM sobre una qüestió fonamental de la medicina dels nostres dies.  I el més interessant és com explica la diferència entre l'òmica translacional i els biomarcadors. Malgrat la dificultat que presenta l'avaluació d'un biomarcador, els reptes al que s'enfronta l'òmica són molt superiors. Diu clarament a l'inici:
The complexity of omics research also makes data provenance more challenging and makes sharing of the complex data sets and computational models difficult, which limits the ability of other scientists to replicate and verify the findings and conclusions of omics research studies. Database repositories for genomic data sets are available, but data sharing is not routine, and  without access to the data sets or a precisely defined computational model, replication and  verification are more difficult than for single biomarker tests. While independent confirmation studies are expensive, the need for replication is beneficial in the omics field given the data  complexities that can lead to errors, from simple data management errors to incorrectly  designed computational models. This level of complexity does not exist for single-biomarker  test research, development, and validation.
Massa sovint es vol fer passar aquesta complexitat com inadvertida. I afegeix:
Many hope that the promise that omics science holds for medicine and public health will be realized. With the creation of high-throughput measurement technologies, it is now feasible to take a snapshot of a patient’s molecular profile at specific stages in the progression of disease pathology or at a given location in the body. However, the complexity of these technologies and of the resulting high-dimensional data introduces major challenges for the scientific community, as rigorous statistical, bioinformatics, laboratory, and clinical procedures are required to develop and validate these tests and evaluate their clinical usefulness.
Sobre el tipus de dades òmiques heu d'anar a la pàgina 40 i llegir-ho amb deteniment. Quan un acaba de comprendre el que s'explica de forma planera, aleshores s'adona que els que venen genoma i prou s'han quedat curts, la complexitat és notòria. I en especial la referent a l'epigenoma, del que ja n'he parlat repetidament en aquest blog. El capítol sobre avaluació de les proves esdevé clau. Només fa referència a validesa analítica i clínica, però és el principi sense el qual tots aquells que es plantegin fer cost-efectivitat no podran treballar. I cap al final trobo aquesta conclusió:
 A well-designed test development plan addresses a clinically meaningful question and employs rigorous test discovery, development, and validation procedures. This includes locking down all aspects of an omicsbased test prior to evaluation for clinical utility and use and avoiding overlap between discovery and validation specimens. Choosing an appropriate clinical/biological validation strategy and interacting with FDA prior to initiation of validation studies also reflect a well-designed test development plan. Making data and code available are critical aspects of test development because it enables external verification of the results and generation of additional insights that can advance science and patient care.
El rigor s'imposa i traduir la recerca en aplicacions obliga a comprendre el valor que aporten a la societat. El camí és llarg malgrat sovint apareix als diaris com que és bufar i fer ampolles.

PS. Es poden patentar les proves genòmiques? Avui un tribunal decideix, ho trobareu a WSJ.

PS. Ekaizer a 8TV, fonamental. I també a RAC1

PS. Al Diccionario RAE queda més clar encara: macarra. 1. adj. Dicho de una persona: Agresiva, achulada.

Eliseu Meifren, podeu veure'l a Sant Feliu de Guixols, paga la pena.