Es mostren les entrades ordenades per rellevància per a la consulta vaccine. Ordena per data Mostra totes les entrades
Es mostren les entrades ordenades per rellevància per a la consulta vaccine. Ordena per data Mostra totes les entrades

22 de maig 2020

Searching for a vaccine and a drug in the surreal and accelerated world of Covid-19 research

What Is the World Doing to Create a COVID-19 Vaccine?

Building the critical path for COVID-19 therapeutics

How to Discover Antiviral Drugs Quickly

The world needs Covid-19 vaccines. It may also be overestimating their power

From CFR:
Public officials worldwide have stressed that the pandemic likely will not end until there is an effective vaccine. Even after a vaccine is approved, however, there remains the tremendous challenge of producing enough of it for the world’s population. An estimated one billion doses would need to be manufactured just to vaccinate workers in health care and other essential industries globally, and that is if only a single dose is required for each person.
This task has both motivated countries to prepare for large-scale production, as well as pitted them against one another amid fears of a potentially limited vaccine supply. While Brazil, China, and India all have large vaccine industries, they also have among the largest populations, and they could reserve their vaccine supplies for their own citizens before opening them up to others. Some countries are seeking to strike monopoly agreements with vaccine manufacturers to avoid domestic shortages. Experts including CFR’s Bollyky have warned that bidding wars over a vaccine will lead to inequitable distribution and, ultimately, fail to eliminate the risk of new outbreaks.
Moreover, amid these extraordinary efforts to secure a vaccine, scientists are still investigating how this new coronavirus behaves and trying to answer the many questions people have about the risk it poses and how protected they will be. This includes how effective a vaccine will be against a mutating coronavirus, though researchers point out that mutations do not necessarily mean different strains of the virus or changes in its infectiousness or lethality. Uncovering such details about the virus, they say, will only help in the development of a successful vaccine.
From NEJM:
 So, what is happening now? The laborious, decade-long, classic pathway for the discovery and approval of new drugs could hardly be less well suited to the present pandemic. Repurposing existing drugs offers a potentially rapid mechanism to deployment, since the safety profiles are known. Therefore, a preliminary report of a supercomputer-driven ensemble docking study of a repurposing compound database to the viral S protein was published on a preprint server in mid-February, with 8000 compounds ranked according to the calculated binding affinity to the receptor-binding domain of the S protein.3 Top-ranked compounds from the original S-protein virtual screen are being tested for activity against the live virus. The results will inform future calculations in a speedy, iterative process.

07 de maig 2021

Patents are Not the Problem (right now)!

 I agree absolutely with Alex Tabarrock and his post in Marginal revolution. He says:

Patents are not the problem. All of the vaccine manufacturers are trying to increase supply as quickly as possible. Billions of doses are being produced–more than ever before in the history of the world. Licenses are widely available. AstraZeneca have licensed their vaccine for production with manufactures around the world, including in India, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, China and South Africa. J&J’s vaccine has been licensed for production by multiple firms in the United States as well as with firms in Spain, South Africa and France. Sputnik has been licensed for production by firms in India, China, South Korea, Brazil and pending EMA approval with firms in Germany and France. Sinopharm has been licensed in the UAE, Egypt and Bangladesh. Novavax has licensed its vaccine for production in South Korea, India, and Japan and it is desperate to find other licensees but technology transfer isn’t easy and there are limited supplies of raw materials:

Virtually overnight, [Novavax] set up a network of outside manufacturers more ambitious than one outside executive said he’s ever seen, but they struggled at times to transfer their technology there amid pandemic travel restrictions. They were kicked out of one factory by the same government that’s bankrolled their effort. Competing with larger competitors, they’ve found themselves short on raw materials as diverse as Chilean tree bark and bioreactor bags. They signed a deal with India’s Serum Institute to produce many of their COVAX doses but now face the realistic chance that even when Serum gets to full capacity — and they are behind — India’s government, dealing with the world’s worst active outbreak, won’t let the shots leave the country.

Plastic bags are a bigger bottleneck than patents. The US embargo on vaccine supplies to India was precisely that the Biden administration used the DPA to prioritize things like bioreactor bags and filters to US suppliers and that meant that India’s Serum Institute was having trouble getting its production lines ready for Novavax. CureVac, another potential mRNA vaccine, is also finding it difficult to find supplies due to US restrictions (which means supplies are short everywhere). As Derek Lowe said:

Abolishing patents will not provide more shaker bags or more Chilean tree bark, nor provide more of the key filtration materials needed for production. These processes have a lot of potential choke points and rate-limiting steps in them, and there is no wand that will wave that complexity away.

Technology transfer has been difficult for AstraZeneca–which is one reason they have had production difficulties–and their vaccine uses relatively well understood technology. The mRNA technology is new and has never before been used to produce at scale. Pfizer and Moderna had to build factories and distribution systems from scratch. There are no mRNA factories idling on the sidelines. If there were, Moderna or Pfizer would be happy to license since they are producing in their own factories 24 hours a day, seven days a week (monopolies restrict supply, remember?). Why do you think China hasn’t yet produced an mRNA vaccine? Hint: it isn’t fear about violating IP. Moreover, even Moderna and Pfizer don’t yet fully understand their production technology, they are learning by doing every single day. Moderna has said that they won’t enforce their patents during the pandemic but no one has stepped up to produce because no one else can.

 More information in his post.

Some weeks ago a journalist asked to me the same question, and I said more or less, the same!. There is no need to start discussions about patents in WCO, only the enforcement and implementation of mandatory licenses can be helpful.

¿Qué opina sobre las patentes de las vacunas de la covid-19? ¿Considera que, en este caso, deberían contemplarse excepciones al derecho de explotación exclusiva?

Antes de hablar de patentes, conviene considerar la inversión pública en investigación. Por ejemplo, en la medida que hay una vacuna cuyo coste de investigación ha sido sufragado en un 97% por el sector público, resulta lógico que se compre a un precio equivalente al coste de fabricación, tal como sucede.  Ahora bien, también sería deseable que se obligara a licenciar el proceso a otros fabricantes. En el caso de vacunas de RNA mensajero, el nivel de inversión pública en Estados Unidos es notable y sin embargo no ha sucedido lo mismo. Por consiguiente, los gobiernos deben gestionar las contrapartidas de la inversión pública en investigación.

•  ¿Considera que sería positiva una liberación de las patentes de las vacunas contra la covid? ¿Por qué? 

En mi opinión ya existen mecanismos que permiten conseguir que las vacunas sean asequibles y son las licencias obligatorias. Tal regulación que se configuró en la reunión de la OMC en Doha en el año 2003. Desafortunadamente no se ha desarrollado suficientemente por los países. Las condiciones por las que se deberían aplicar tales licencias quedan explícitas en la Declaración. Tales condiciones hacen referencia a la definición de emergencia y crisis de salud pública. En esta pandemia se daban las condiciones para su aplicación. Visto así, el debate necesita centrarse entre patentes y licencias obligatorias atendiendo a condiciones concretas. 

•  ¿Existen mecanismos ya reglados para que, en situaciones como ésta, más allá de la patente, se garantice la llegada de las vacunas a todos los países (incluyendo los de nivel económico más bajo)?

En realidad la Alianza Mundial para vacunas e inmunización (GAVI) nació para ello. En el caso de la COVID, la OMS a través de GAVI y otras instituciones ha impulsado la iniciativa COVAX que pretende ofrecer vacunas a países en desarrollo. Aún así sabemos que el esfuerzo es insuficiente a la vista de los resultados, el 87% de las vacunas ha ido a países ricos, y en los menos desarrollados tan solo ha llegado el 0,2%.


05 de setembre 2020

Vaccine allocation (2)

 An ethical framework for global vaccine allocation

Ezequiel Emanuel et al. article:

Fairly distributing a COVID-19 vaccine among countries is a problem of distributive justice. Although governments will be the initial recipients of vaccine, fair distribution across countries must reflect a moral concern for the ultimate recipients: individuals. Three values are particularly relevant: benefiting people and limiting harm, prioritizing the disadvantaged, and equal moral concern.

Benefiting people and limiting harm is widely recognized as important across ethical theories. Realizing this value requires defining relevant benefits, measuring them, and assessing the relative urgency—the importance and time sensitivity—of countries’ needs. A successful vaccine produces direct benefits by protecting people against death and morbidity caused by infection. It also produces indirect benefits by reducing death and morbidity arising from health systems overstressed by the pandemic, and by reducing poverty and social hardship such as closed schools.

Prioritizing the disadvantaged is a fundamental value in ethics and global health (10, 11). Realizing this value requires that vaccine distribution reflect special concern for people who are disadvantaged. Fairly distributing a COVID-19 vaccine internationally therefore requires assessing different types of disadvantage. Are the worst-off countries those experiencing the greatest poverty? Those where people have the lowest life expectancies?

Equal moral concern requires treating similar individuals similarly and not discriminating on the basis of morally irrelevant differences, such as sex, race, and religion. Distributing different quantities of vaccine to different countries is not discriminatory if it effectively benefits people while prioritizing the disadvantaged.

And the allocation model: 

 The Fair Priority Model proceeds in three phases, preventing more urgent harms earlier (see the Table). Phase 1 aims at reducing premature deaths and other irreversible direct and indirect health impacts. Phase 2 continues to address enduring health harms but additionally aims at reducing serious economic and social deprivations such as the closure of nonessential businesses and schools. Restoring these activities will lower unemployment, reduce poverty, and improve health. Finally, phase 3 aims at reducing community transmission, which in turn reduces spread among countries and permits the restoration of prepandemic freedoms and economic and social activities.


16 d’abril 2021

Vaccine diplomacy

 PREVENTING THE NEXT PANDEMIC. Vaccine Diplomacy in a Time of Anti-science

Throughout modern history, vaccines have surpassed all other biotechnologies in terms of their impact on global public health. Because of vaccines, smallpox was eradicated, and polio has been driven to near global elimination, while measles deaths have declined more than 90%, and Haemophilus influenzae type b meningitis is now a disease of the past in the United States and elsewhere.

I define one part of vaccine diplomacy as a subset or specific aspect of global health diplomacy in which large-scale vaccine delivery is employed as a humanitarian intervention, often led by one or more of the UN agencies, most notably Gavi, UNICEF, and WHO, or potentially a nongovernmental development organization

 Do vaccines really deserve their own designation for a special type of diplomacy? Yes, I believe so, especially when we consider that between the past century and this one vaccines have saved hundreds of millions of lives [2]. In this sense, the technology of vaccines and their widespread delivery represent our most potent counterforce to war and political instability in modern times. Vaccines represent not only life-saving technologies and unparalleled instruments for reducing human suffering, but they also serve as potent vehicles for promoting international peace and prosperity. They are humankind’s single greatest invention.

The greater issue is that in each of these four cases—smallpox, polio, Ebola, and COVID-19—the global health community had to respond to a crisis and scramble to rapidly develop, test, license, and distribute these vaccines. Could we also implement an anticipatory system in which nations prioritize vaccine diplomacy and routinely employ it to improve international relations? The Global Health Security Agenda does not currently emphasize vaccine development, although new organizations like CEPI and start-up innovation funds from the Japanese and South Korean governments represent promising steps toward global vaccine diplomacy. I am an enthusiastic champion of their efforts. However, I also believe that an opportunity exists for a more comprehensive effort to tackle the world’s most prevalent poverty-related neglected diseases while simultaneously expanding international scientific cooperation as a core element.

The answer might be found somewhere in the G20...


30 d’octubre 2020

Covid vaccine landscape

 Evolution of the COVID-19 vaccine development landscape

Currently there are 321 vaccine candidates for COVID, however only 33 have entered clinical trials.

Although the leading COVID-19 vaccine candidates have progressed to advanced stages of clinical development at exceptional speed, many uncertainties remain given the lack of robust clinical data so far. Moreover, given the highly unusual circumstances associated with developing a vaccine during the evolution of a novel global pandemic, probability of success benchmarks for traditional vaccine development are likely to underrepresent the risks associated with delivering a licensed vaccine for COVID-19. The most advanced candidates are expected to begin reporting data from pivotal studies over the coming months, which if positive will be used to support accelerated licensure of the first COVID-19 vaccines. 


16 de novembre 2020

Prioritising the vaccine

 Framework for Equitable Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine

Health equity is intertwined with the impact of COVID-19 and there are certain populations that are at increased risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19. In the United States and worldwide, the pandemic is having a disproportionate impact on people who are already disadvantaged by virtue of their race and ethnicity, age, health status, residence, occupation, socioeconomic condition, or other contributing factors.

Framework for Equitable Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine offers an overarching framework for vaccine allocation to assist policy makers in the domestic and global health communities. Built on widely accepted foundational principles and recognizing the distinctive characteristics of COVID-19, this report's recommendations address the commitments needed to implement equitable allocation policies for COVID-19 vaccine.

If vaccines are coming in the next months and we all agree that supply will not fulfill demand, then we need to prioritise. This publication of the National Academy of Medicine provides some usegul insights. However, the most important is to have a concrete application in specific contexts.

Joana Biarnés

25 de setembre 2020

Vaccine nationalism (2)

 Designing Pull Funding For A COVID-19 Vaccine

If somebody wants to avoid vaccine nationalism, then there is a need for a global mechanism of allocation. You'll find a specific proposal in Health Affairs about this issue. Unfortunately, it seems that nobody cares about its application.

In baseline simulations, the optimal pull program spends an average of $50 per dose to obtain an average of 2.2 billion doses—$110.4 billion in total. The size of our pull program is driven by the enormous estimated benefit from COVID-19 vaccination, leading the optimal program to induce nearly all firms to participate (average of 9.8 out of 10), installing nearly all  available capacity, and allowing more people to be vaccinated with less delay. To secure this level of participation requires the award to cover all but the most exorbitant cost draws. On average, 2.9 of the 10 candidate firms develop a successful vaccine, generating a social benefit (net of program costs) of $2.8 trillion.

 Our mechanism offers two advantages over the free market. First, it dramatically lowers cost—by a factor of thirteen—by averting a bidding war. Given our program’s larger size compared with other policy proposals, it is ironic that its advantage would be to lower costs compared with the private market. Second, it allows for more efficient allocation, moving some vulnerable people in lowerincome countries up in the queue ahead of some from richer countries experiencing lower harm. A conjectured third benefit of our mechanism— enhancing investment in more candidates and more capacity—did not materialize in baseline simulations. Demand for a COVID-19 vaccine is so high that every firm in every simulation finds investing profitable under a free-market scenario. This third benefit does materialize in scenarios with substantially more per firm capacity than in the baseline.

 Eivissa, Francesc Català i Roca


28 d’abril 2020

Vaccines for all

How to Develop a COVID-19 Vaccine for All

Messages from Mazzucato and Torreele:
The first, critical step is to adopt a mission-oriented approach that focuses both public and private investments on achieving a clearly defined common goal: developing an effective COVID-19 vaccine(s) that can be produced at global scale rapidly and made universally available for free. Realizing this aim will require firm rules regarding intellectual property (IP), pricing, and manufacturing, designed and enforced in ways that value international collaboration and solidarity, rather than competition between countries.
Second, to maximize the impact on public health, the innovation ecosystem must be steered to use collective intelligence to accelerate advances. Science and medical innovation thrives and progresses when researchers exchange and share knowledge openly, enabling them to build upon one another’s successes and failures in real time.
Third, countries must take the lead in building and buttressing manufacturingcapabilities, particularly in the developing world. While an effective COVID-19 vaccine probably will not be available for another 12-18 months, a concerted effort is needed now to put in place the public and private capacity and infrastructure needed to produce rapidly the billions of doses that will be required.
Because we don’t know yet which vaccine will prove most effective, we may need to invest in a range of assets and technologies. This poses a technological and financial risk that can be overcome only with the help of entrepreneurial states backed by collective, public-interest-driven financing, such as from national and regional development banks, the World Bank, and philanthropic foundations.
Finally, conditions for ensuring global, equitable, and affordable access must be built into any vaccine-development program from the start. This would allow public investments to be structured less like a handout or simple market-fixer, and more like a proactive market-shaper, driven by public objectives.

PS. Masks, tests, treatments, vaccines – why we need a global approach to fighting Covid-19 now
Bill Gates dixit:
 I’m a big believer in capitalism – but some markets simply don’t function properly in a pandemic, and the market for lifesaving supplies is an obvious example. The private sector has an important role to play, but if our strategy for fighting Covid-19 devolves into a bidding war among countries, this disease will kill many more people than it has to.

Edward Hopper. Cape Cod Morning, 1950. Smithsonian American Art Museum

08 de gener 2024

Els medicaments que venen i els que ja s'han aprovat el 2023

És bo fer una ullada a quins són els medicaments que previsiblement s'aprovaran l'any 2024, i els de Nature diuen que són aquests:

Medicaments per aprovar el 2024

Biologic name







Claudin 18.2-targeted mAb

Gastric cancer




Tumour-infiltrating lymphocyte therapy





Thyroid hormone receptor β agonist




Merck & Co./Acceleron

Fusion protein ligand trap for TGF-β superfamily





mRNA-based vaccine

RSV prevention



Eli Lilly

Amyloid-β-targeted mAb

Alzheimer disease




Gene therapy with COL7A2 transgene



Patritumab deruxtecana

Merck & Co.

HER3-targeted ADC





Telomerase inhibitor

Transfusion-dependent anaemia with MDS




DLL3 × CD3 T-cell engager antibody



Fidanacogene elaparvoveca


AAV-based gene therapy with factor IX transgene

Hemophilia B



Laboratoires SERB

Ticagrelor-neutralizing antibody

Drug toxicity




C5-targeted mAb





Factor D inhibitor








Xanomeline plus trospium


Muscarinic receptor modulators





TTR stabilizer

TTR amyloidosis




TFPI-targeted mAb

Haemophilia A and B


Afamitresgene autoleucela


MAGE-A4-targeted autologous, engineered T cell therapy

Synovial sarcoma


Fig. 1 | 30 years of novel FDA approvals. Annual numbers of new molecular entities (NMEs) and biologics license applications (BLAs) approved by the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER). See Table 1 for new approvals in 2023. Products approved by the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), including vaccines and gene therapies, are not included in this drug count (Table 2). Source: FDA.

Fig. 2 | CDER approvals by therapeutic area. Indications that span multiple therapeutic areas are classified under only one, based on which FDA office and division reviewed the approval application. Sources: Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, FDA.

Fig. 3 | CDER approvals by modality. Small molecules, including peptides of up to 40 amino acids in length, and oligonucleotides are approved as new molecular entities (NMEs). Protein-based candidates are approved through biologics license applications (BLAs). mAb, monoclonal antibody; siRNA, small interfering RNA. Source: Nature Reviews Drug Discovery.

I la notícia de l'any ha estat CRISPR:
Vertex and CRISPR Therapeutics’ exagamglogene autotemcel (exa-cel; Casgevy) especially is the first CRISPR–Cas9-based gene editor to secure a green light from the FDA, winning an approval for sickle cell disease (SCD). Exa-cel is an ex vivo gene-edited cell therapy: blood cells are harvested from patients, genetically modified at the BCL11a transcription factor to re-enable fetal haemoglobin production, and then re-infused into patients. The therapeutically upregulated fetal haemoglobin compensates for the defects in β-haemoglobin that cause the diseases. Clinical data shows that the gene therapy has curative potential, although longer-term data are needed to assess the durability of the effect.

When Harvard Medical School and HHMI’s Stuart Orkin and colleagues discovered the role of BCL11a in fetal haemoglobin production in 2008, it was unclear how to drug the transcription factor. The arrival of CRISPR–Cas9 gene-editing system in 2012 provided a path forward for haemoglobinopathies. The development of the programme was “remarkably fast”, said Orkin. “It is a perfect example of how the ecosystem can work.”

Vertex and CRISPR have priced the one-off treatment at $2.2 million. It also requires a harsh preconditioning chemotherapy regimen, to make room for the edited cells. The therapy will consequently remain out of reach for many patients. “This is not the end game,” says Orkin, who has his eye on next-generation gene editors and small molecules that might be more accessible.
PS. Un breu missatge per aquells que mitjançant la seva recerca "obren la porta" a tractaments i ho expliquen al Telenotícies. No n'hi ha cap d'aquesta llista del 2024 ni del 2023 d'aquí sota que sigui un d'ells, la porta segueix oberta, o potser no hi havia porta per obrir. Millor no haver d'estar sentint això sempre, sense explicar-ne el resultat.
PS. The economist sobre el tema

PS. El llistat de medicaments:

Table 1 | CDER approvals in 2023

Drug (brand name)




Lecanemab (Leqembi)a


Amyloid-β-targeted mAb

Alzheimer disease

Bexagliflozin (Brenzavvy)


SGLT2 inhibitor

Glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus

Pirtobrutinib (Jaypirca)

Loxo/Eli Lilly

BTK inhibitor

Mantle cell lymphoma

Elacestrant (Orserdu)


ER antagonist

ER-positive, HER2-negative, ESR1-mutant breast cancer

Daprodustat (Jesduvroq)


HIF-PH inhibitor

Anaemia caused by CKD for adults on dialysis

Velmanase alfa (Lamzede)a


Recombinant α-mannosidase

Non-CNS manifestations of α-mannosidosis

Sparsentan (Filspari)


Endothelin and angiotensin II receptor antagonist

Proteinuria in primary IgA nephropathy

Omaveloxolone (Skyclarys)


Mechanism unknown, NRF2 activator

Friedrich’s ataxia

Zavegepant (Zavzpret)


CGRP receptor antagonist


Trofinetide (Daybue)


Mechanism unknown

Rett syndrome

Retifanlimab (Zynyz)a


PD1-targeted mAb

Merkel cell carcinoma

Rezafungin (Rezzayo)


Echinocandin antifungal

Candidemia and invasive candidiasis

Leniolisib (Joenja)


PI3Kδ inhibitor

Activated PI3Kδ syndrome

Tofersen (Qalsody)


SOD1-targeted ASO

SOD1 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Pegunigalsidase alfa (Elfabrio)a


PEGylated recombinant α-galactosidase Α

Fabry disease

Fezolinetant (Veozah)


Neurokinin 3 receptor antagonist

Hot flashes caused by menopause

Perfluorohexyloctane (Miebo)

Bausch + Lomb

Semifluorinated alkane

Dry eye disease

Epcoritamab (Epkinly)a


CD20 × CD3 T-cell engager

DLBCL and high-grade B-cell lymphoma

Sulbactam, durlobactam (Xacduro)


β-lactam antibacterial plus a β-lactamase inhibitor

Hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia caused by susceptible ABC

Nirmatrelvir, ritonavir (Paxlovid)


SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibitor plus a CYP3A inhibitor

Mild-to-moderate COVID-19

Flotufolastat F18 (Posluma)

Blue Earth

Radioactive diagnostic agent

PET imaging in prostate cancer

Sotagliflozin (Inpefa)


SGLT1/2 inhibitor

Heart failure

Glofitamab (Columvi)a


CD20 × CD3 T-cell engager

DLBLC or large B-cell lymphoma

Ritlecitinib (Litfulo)


JAK3 inhibitor

Alopecia areata

Rozanolixizumab (Rystiggo)a


FcRn-targeted mAb

AChR- or MuSK-antibody-positive gMG

Somatrogon (Ngenla)a


Human growth hormone analogue

Growth hormone deficiency

Nirsevimab (Beyfortus)a


RSV F protein-targeted mAb

RSV lower respiratory tract disease

Quizartinib (Vanflyta)

Daiichi Sankyo

FLT3 kinase inhibitor


Lotilaner (Xdemvy)



Demodex blepharitis

Zuranolone (Zurzuvae)


GABAA receptor PAM

Postpartum depression

Avacincaptad pegol (Izervay)


C5-targeted aptamer

Geographic atrophy secondary to AMD

Talquetamab (Talvey)a


GPRC5D × CD3 T-cell engager

Multiple myeloma

Elranatamab (Elrexfio)a


BCMA × CD3 T-cell engager

Multiple myeloma

Palovarotene (Sohonos)


Retinoic acid receptor agonist

Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva

Pozelimab (Veopoz)a


C5-targeted mAb

CHAPLE disease

Motixafortide (Aphexda)


CXCR4 inhibitor

Hematopoietic stem cell mobilization for autologous transplantation in multiple myeloma

Momelotinib (Ojjaara)


JAK1/2, ALK2 inhibitor

Myelofibrosis in adults with anaemia

Gepirone (Exxua)


5HT1A receptor agonist

Major depressive disorder

Cipaglucosidase alfa (Pombiliti)a


Recombinant α-glucosidase

Pompe disease

Nedosiran (Rivfloza)

Novo Nordisk

LDHA-targeted siRNA

Primary hyperoxaluria type 1

Etrasimod (Velsipity)


S1P receptor modulator

Ulcerative colitis

Zilucoplan (Zilbrysq)


Complement C5 inhibitor

AChR-antibody positive gMG

Bimekizumab (Bimzelx)a


IL-17A/F-targeted mAb

Plaque psoriasis

Vamorolone (Agamree)



Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Mirikizumab (Omvoh)a

Eli Lilly

IL-23-targeted mAb

Ulcerative colitis

Toripalimab (Loqtorzi)a


PD1-targeted mAb

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Fruquintinib (Fruzaqla)


VEGFR1/2/3 kinase inhibitor

Colorectal cancer

Taurolidine, heparin (Defencath)


Thiadiazinane antimicrobial plus an anticoagulant

Incidence of catheter-related bloodstream infections

Repotrectinib (Augtyro)

Bristol Myers Squibb

ROS1 and TRK kinase inhibitor

ROS1-positive NSCLC

Efbemalenograstim alfa (Ryzneuta)a


Recombinant leukocyte growth factor


Capivasertib (Truqap)


AKT kinase inhibitor

Breast cancer

Nirogacestat (Ogsiveo)


γ-secretase inhibitor

Desmoid tumours

Iptacopan (Fabhalta)


Complement factor B inhibitor

Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria

Birch triterpenes (Filsuvez)


Mechanism unknown

Epidermolysis bullosa

Eplontersen (Wainua)


TTR-targeted ASO

hATTR with polyneuropathy