Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity.Research and public policy
Aquest és un llibre que explica els diferents aspectes de la regulació de l'alcohol, una qüestió que els governs propers hi passen de puntetes i fan com si no passés res.
L'índex és prou clar del seu contingut:
1. Setting the policy agenda 1
2. Alcohol: no ordinary commodity 13
3. Alcohol consumption trends and patterns of drinking 26
4. The burden of alcohol consumption 44
5. The alcohol industry: a nexus of considerable influence 72
6. Overview of strategies and interventions to prevent and reduce
alcohol- related harm 92
7. Controlling affordability: pricing and taxation strategies 103
8. Regulating the physical availability of alcohol 129
9. Restrictions on marketing 156
10. Education and persuasion strategies 180
11. Drinking and driving: prevention and countermeasures 200
12. Modifying the drinking context: reducing harm in the licensed
drinking environment and other contexts 225
13. Treatment and early intervention services 255
14. The policy process: multiple stakeholders and multiple agendas 275
15. Economic interests, public health priorities, and global governance of
alcohol 294
16. Alcohol policies: a consumer’s guide
Aquí hi ha el resum de les estratègies fiscals i de preu, p. 121 del llibre. I si enlloc d'estratègies, vols una calculadora, aquí n'hi ha una.