Aquest article de Family Practice és per a guardar. Explica com es van reduir els diagnòstics de càncer durant la pandèmia i com aquesta reducció encara no s'havia corregit als nivells pre-pandèmics. Els motius són diversos, és clar. A la revista Atención Primaria també parlen del tema.
El resum de l'article en un paràgraf:
In 2020, the rate of cancer diagnoses had reduced by −21% compared to 2019 (P < 0.05). Greater reductions were observed during the lockdown in early 2020 (>40%) and with some types of cancers, especially prostate and skin cancers (−29.6% and −26.9%, respectively, P < 0.05). Lung cancers presented statistically non-significant reductions in both years. Cancer diagnosis returned to expected around March 2021, and the rate in 2021 was similar to that of 2019 (overall difference of 0.21%, P = 0.967). However, an 11% reduction was still found when comparing the pandemic months of 2020–2021 with pre-pandemic months.
Xifres preocupants. En valor absolut, diuen aquí 7.700 càncers.
Tina Modotti al KBR