01 de març 2012

La paradoxa coreana


L'OCDE acaba d'iniciar una sèrie sobre la qualitat dels sistemes de salut i s'estrena així en una àrea sensible on necessita mostrar una gran prudència. Ha començat per Corea i continuarà per Israel. Ens mantindrem a l'espera de l'informe de Catalunya. De Corea m'ha interessat la paradoxa:
There is a paradox in quality of care outcomes for cardiovascular conditions in Korea. Quality indicators for cardiovascular care paint an interesting paradox in Korea when compared with other OECD countries. In general, Koreans are less likely to die from acute myocardial infarction (AMI), but those Korean patients who are admitted to hospital for AMI are likely to face amongst the highest case-fatality rates amongst OECD countries. At the same time, Koreans are more likely to die of stroke than those in many other OECD countries, but fatalities from stroke once in hospital, are much lower in Korea compared with other OECD countries – in hospital 30-day case fatality rates are 1.2 per 100 patients compared with an OECD average of 5.2 per 100 patients.
La destaco perquè revela dos factors possibles:
The first is whether the high case-fatality rates reflect poor quality hospital care. The second is whether policies to reduce cardiovascular disease outside the hospital sector are being delivered appropriately
Potser no cal anar tant lluny, mirant més aprop en trobareu més d'una d''aquestes paradoxes.