Enhorabona als amfitrions andorrans, i molt d'èxit per a la conferència!.
PD. Per cert, la política a Andorra tremola, la sanitària també. El proper abril hi ha eleccions anticipades.
La gare de Perpignan per Salvador Dalí
Dolan maintains that financial information and education that is designed to change minds can change behaviour, but tends to work best on those who are most open to being informed and educated. He argues that recent developments in behavioural theory show that changing contexts can have a more powerful effect on behaviour; that is, behaviour can be altered by making subtle changes to the choice architecture. On this note, he proposes that attention be drawn to robust effects for changing behaviour that operate largely on the automatic system. The first letter of each of these effects, which form the rather convenient mnemonic, MINDSPACE, are summarised as follows:Tema a seguir d'aprop, els incentius per a millorar la salut individual cal construir-los tenint un referent, Mindspace en pot ser un.
Messenger: we are heavily influenced by who communicates information.
Incentives: our responses to incentives are shaped by predictable mental shortcuts.
Norms: we are strongly influenced by what others do (cf. Akerlof and Kranton).
Defaults: we ‘go with the flow’ of pre-set options.
Salience: our attention is drawn to what is novel and seems relevant to us.
Priming: our acts are often influenced by sub-conscious cues.
Affect: our emotional associations can powerfully shape our actions.
Commitments: we seek to be consistent with our public promises, and reciprocate acts.
Ego: we act in ways that make us feel better about ourselves.
Dolan identifies two reasons why new models of behaviour change are needed. First, he maintains that traditional theories and methods leave a substantial proportion of the variance in behaviour unexplained. Second, he contends that the recent accumulation of evidence in behavioural economics and social and cognitive psychology leaves us in no doubt that human decisions are susceptible to subtle changes in the environment. As such, in contrast to education and basic information, he salutes his MINDSPACE framework as offering the potential to influence and inform finance-related behaviours and initiatives in effective and equitable ways.
Overall survival was significantly improved in women assigned to eribulin (median 13·1 months, 95% CI 11·8–14·3) compared with TPC (10·6 months, 9·3–12·5; hazard ratio 0·81, 95% CI 0·66–0·99; p=0·041). The most common adverse events in both groups were asthenia or fatigue (270 [54%] of 503 patients on eribulin and 98 [40%] of 247 patients on TPC at all grades) and neutropenia (260 [52%] patients receiving eribulin and 73 [30%] of those on TPC at all grades).Per cert, com que al 2006 no existia aquesta prestació, entenc que si algú l'aprova ara també decidirà quines prestacions deixem de fer pel mateix import, perquè no hi ha pressupost.
These sessions were devoted to understanding the sources of excess costs in health care, reviewing what is known about ways to reduce the excess, and identifying policy solutionsI jo em pregunto, potser hauríem de ser capaços de fer una cosa similar. Mentrestant, podem seguir llegint el que proposen al document de 853 pàgines (!), potser en sorgeix alguna idea traslacional (anglicisme que alguns proposen canviar per "traduccional"!).
Although many “genome” companies and researchers are promoting personal genomics for medicine and/or life choices, regulation of data quality and standards is lacking, which has made deceptive marketing a reality in some instances. We have sequence and genetic data quality that is suitable for some scientific analyses but no standards adequate for clinical practice or even for informing individuals of results that exist. We have come a long way in genomics; however, for genome sequencing to reach its full potential we still have a long way to go.Com veieu, un llarg camí per endavant. I han passat deu anys, i les prediccions s'han quedat al calaix per ara. Però possiblement s'està coent el més important i ja fa dies que ho sabem que amb la genètica no n'hi ha prou, entendre el paper de l'epigenètica esdevé clau. Si és així, com és que encara segueixen venen la moto de la medicina predictiva tan alegrement?. M'interessa el que està succeint en aquest camp, i en especial a Epizyme una empresa capdavantera en la qüestió. Per a entendre l'aproximació epigenètica a la teràpia del càncer podeu consultar un article de dos investigadors seus. Es tracta de pura especulació o hi ha una hipòtesi fonamentada que podrem contrastar ben aviat?
The essence of the basic ‘intergenerational’ fair innings argument outlined by Harris (1985) is that people who have achieved old age would not have their lives further prolonged if this was undertaken at the expense of those who had not yet realized their fair innings, presumably to give as many people as possible the opportunity to fulfil their ambitions and potential. Harris was concerned with a fair innings defined in terms of life-expectancy, which, according to Williams (1997) is tied in with the view that people generally feel that everyone is entitled to a ‘normal’ span of lifeEn Williams anava més lluny que en Harris, resumint molt:
Williams therefore believed that when prioritising people (or groups of people) for health care treatment, consideration of differences in post-treatment QALY gains (an efficiency argument) should be accompanied by consideration of differences in QALE (an equity argument).Ens va deixar quan encara buscava una regla d'aplicació del principi d'equitat d'oportunitats, una forma de reconciliar l'equitat integeneracional i afegir esperança de vida de qualitat a aquells que més s'en poden beneficiar. I la qüestió esdevé encara oberta a hores d'ara. La lectura del treball d'Oliver i la reflexió d'Ezequiel, Wertheimer i Persad són per a mi encara els referents del moment.