02 de novembre 2020

Health reform, a lost chance (once again) (2)

 Consenso por un sistema sanitario del siglo XXI

A new report and new proposals for health reform. The authors start saying that Informe Abril (released 29 years ago. Yes! I was there) was not finally considered as a source for any reform, as we all know. After that, there are 40 reports available, and nothing happened. After three decades, the probability of a health reform, in the wake of current pandemic and political weakness, is still lower in my opinion. Authors highlight the current difficulties of the health system and generic approaches to be considered.

However, health reform requires a consensus on values, and such consensus will not arise from experts, it is a social and political consensus. Expert consensus is a way to reflect concerns about a topic and ways to tackle it, but on policy terms its relevance and impact is minor.

Anyway, it's up to you your final assessment.