It is really saddening to explain the same thing again and again. Seventeen years ago I explained the regulatory mess of parallel trade of drugs in Europe. I did it in an article in Información comercial española (unfortunately not available on internet). Two years ago, I insisted on the same disaster in this post.
Now you can see how mafia style practices of well known drug distribution companies were applied, have a look a this news. Surprisingly (!), there is no specific crime in the penal code for such practices.
I said that arbitragists were accumulating impressive amounts of money with international parallel trade and refusing to supply drugs to local pharmacies.It is quite astonishing that it took so long to understand it for justice. Is there anybody doing something to prevent such practices in the future? Where are politicians? On vacation again?.
PS. The government should cancel the license to these drug distribution firms immediately and ban any possibility of a new license in future. This can be done easily without waiting for any european directive.
PS. WSJ: What Catalonia's independence vote means