22 de novembre 2014

A new frame for measuring hospital efficiency and productivity

Observatori del Sistema de Salut de Catalunya. Central de Resultats. Àmbit hospitalari. Barcelona: Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya. Departament de Salut. Generalitat de Catalunya; 2013

The knowledge about the performance of our health care system is growing every day. It was difficult to foresee such a big change in transparency. Therefore, this is good news.
In the recent released report on hospitals, you'll find many detailed indicators and you can figure out how your hospital is performing according to several dimensions. There is on dimension that needs to be rebuilt, it's called "efficiency" in the report. As far as DRGs are a tool that was created three decades ago and only minor changes have been introduced, any comparison of length of stay by DRG is old fashioned. Measuring production by UME, (unitat de mesura estandarditzada) is another outdated measure. And resulting productivity measures include these biases. Thus, some additional effort should be made to measure efficiency in hospitals, in its services, as the aggregate makes a lot of noise.
Let me suggest a  book by Yasar Ozcan, although it is focused on DEA, maybe some ideas could arise. The basic reference is Measuring Efficiency in Health Care  Analytic Techniques and Health Policy.
An improvement of efficiency measurement is the next step to be taken.

PS. Today is one of the saddest days of the democracy. Spain has filed criminal charges over the president of our government and two ministers.This fact represents a lost opportunity to negotiate our exit. From now on, we enter in "terra ignota", things will be tougher.

PS. Two recommended books to understand what's going on: Constitutional violence, (especially chap. 4 legal violence) and Globalization and sovereignty

PS. Newsfeed, here.