20 d’octubre 2014

A milestone for health insurance reform

INFORME Estudio y Propuesta de un Nuevo Marco Jurídico para el Sistema Privado de Salud

If you look at health care financing in OECD countries you'll find an outlier: Chile. This is the country with the largest private financing, 47%. The reason behind such a number is the current system of ISAPRE coverage. A clear explanation of the current situation is shown in this presentation by Camilo Cid, the chairman of the commission for a review of the private health system.
The new chilean government created a commission to get recommendations about what to do with ISAPREs, and the result was that this report was released some days ago.
The trend is clear, opt-out from a single pool is not an option for the future. The Netherlands made the same reform in 2009, Germany constrained its possibilities, and now Chile has decided exactly the same. If there is only a single pool for financing health, this exactly means that the role of the market is going to change at the same time. Insurance price-competition vanishes, and the profit motive is under close scrutiny. Let's see what happens. All this recommendations should be included in the legislation. Anyway, the report is a milestone for the next health reform in Chile. An excellent reference for anyone interested in this topic. Good job.

PS. Values and economic crisis, a report. Have a look at this slide p.31, impressive. Is it possible?

Manuel Castro at Galeria Barnadas