Balanç de l’atenció mèdica i sanitària públiques del 2013
- The impact of the decree that changes the health system towards a Social Security-based (April 2012) is: 3,4% citizens are not covered (216.900). However, the government has decided to introduce an exception and all continues as it was in the former National Health System. (That's rule of law! an example of articulated institutions)
- Primary care visits have decreased again in 2013: 5,17% (!) (7 million visits less than in 2008)
- Emergency visits, a decrease of 1%
- Specialty visits, an increase of 2,9%
- Inpatient care, no change -0,2%
- Ambulatory surgery, an increase of 3%
- Electronic drug prescriptions, 91% of coverage
- Satisfaction level: 8,06, better than 2008 (7,43)
- Health expenditure over GDP 8,3% (2011). A 0,3 pp increase on public and private expenditure over GDP since 2008. Public expenditure 5,6%, Private expenditure 2,7% over GDP (2011).
More details in the report.