15 d’octubre 2011

A l'altra banda de l'atlàntic

La discussió sobre si el disease management aporta valor o no ve de lluny. I en general cal dir que és un tema foraster i controvertit. Ara veig a The Atlantic un article suggerent on aprenc de l'existència d'una empresa que diu ho ha fet exitosament, CareMore (i que acaba de ser comprada per l'asseguradora Wellpoint). Destaco:
One of CareMore’s critical insights was the application of an old systems-management principle first developed at Bell Labs in the 1930s and refined by the management guru W. Edwards Deming in the 1950s: you can fix a problem at step one for $1, or fix it at step 10 for $30. The American health-care system is repair-centric, not prevention-centric. We wait for train wrecks and then clean up the damage. What would happen if we prevented the train wrecks in the first place? The doctors at CareMore decided to find out.
El context per entendre l'article però el trobareu a HA.