30 de març 2011

Coneixements sòlids en πολιτικος

The State of Health Policy Education in U.S. Medical Schools

Els estudis de metge obliguen a un ampli coneixement de disciplines diverses. Sorprenentment aquelles que tenen menys atenció (en temps de dedicació) són les que es refereixen a l'entorn de la pràctica mèdica que precisament condicionarà l'exercici. Avui em vull referir a la Política Sanitària. Si bé als darrers anys hi ha hagut una renovació dels plans d'estudi, quan mirem en deteniment el que hi ha, acabem conveçuts que la cosmètica ha fet forat. En el fons hi ha ben poc de política i gestió sanitària. Però encara més, resulta que a les facultats tots els professors d'aquestes matèries són metges cap politòleg o economista, i ningú s'ho planteja d'altra forma. A altres països ni s'ho imaginarien que pogués ser així, podeu fer una ullada al NEJM sobre com està la qüestió als USA. Tampoc n'estan satisfets, però aquí tenim encara un camí més llarg per recórrer.

PD. Pinto el que veig, de E.B. White

I Paint What I See     [A Ballad of Artistic Integrity]
“What do you paint, when you paint on a wall?”
      Said John D.’s grandson Nelson.
“Do you paint just anything there at all?
“Will there be any doves, or a tree in fall?
“Or a hunting scene, like an English hall?”

      “I paint what I see,” said Rivera
“What are the colors you use when you paint?”
      Said John D.’s grandson Nelson.
“Do you use any red in the beard of a saint?
“If you do, is it terribly red, or faint?
“Do you use any blue? Is it Prussian?”

      “I paint what I paint,” said Rivera
“Whose is that head that I see on my wall?”
      Said John D.’s grandson Nelson.
“Is it anyone’s head whom we know at all?
“A Rensselaer or a Saltonstall?
“Is it Franklin D.? Is it Mordaunt Hall?
“Or is it the head of a Russian?”

      “I paint what I think,” said Rivera.
“I paint what I paint, I paint what I see,
     “I paint what I think,” said Rivera
“And the thing that is dearest in life to me
“In a bourgeois hall is integrity;
“I’ll take out a couple of people drinkin’
“And put in a picture of Abraham Lincoln.
“I could even give you McCormick’s reaper
“And still not make my art much cheaper.
“But the head of Lenin has got to stay
“Or my friends will give me the bird today,
“The bird, the bird, forever.”

“It’s not good taste in a man like me,”
      Said John D.s grandson Nelson,
“To question an artist’s integrity
“Or mention a practical thing like a fee.
“But I know what I like to a large degree.
      “Though art I hate to hamper,
“For twenty-one thousand conservative bucks
“You painted a radical. I say shucks,
      “I never could rent the offices—
        “The capitalistic offices.
“For this, as you know, is a public hall,
“And people want doves, or a tree in fall,
“And though your art I dislike to hamper,
“I owe a
little to God and Gramper.
     “And after all,
my wall.”
      “We’ll see if it is,” said Rivera.

 Lenin. a L'home controlador de l'univers. de Diego Rivera