17 de gener 2011


Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing: Summary of a Workshop
Aquestes tres sigles potser d'entrada no us diuen res, però al darrera hi ha una polèmica considerable. "Direct to Consumer" es refereix sobretot en aquest moment a les proves genètiques. Els llibres de IOM-NAP ajuden a comprendre la realitat de la medicina i un de darrer va sobre proves genètiques.
El repàs als temes clau que deixa oberts és gran. Em centro en un que està sorgint aquí aprop com un bolet: el consell genètic. I què és això?
The process of helping people understand and adapt to the medical, psychological, and familial implications of genetic contributions to disease.” Counselors interpret family and medical histories; educate clients about inheritance, testing, management, prevention, resources and research; and counsel them to promote informed choices and adaptation to the risk or condition.
I sobre DTC assenyala:
Some DTC genetic testing companies offer genetic counseling—via telephone or the Internet, or sometimes in person—as part of their testing services. Some have counselors on staff, and others contract with specific counselors and refer clients to them. And at least one charges its customers for the service—$250 per hour.20 Several DTC testing companies currently offer genetic counseling services to their customers at no additional charge, so there is no cost barrier. It appears, however, that clients often are not aware that these services are available—or even what genetic counseling is—and thus do not always benefit from
Una mica d'ordre a les idees convé quan s'està en un moment emergent. Si qui ven la prova fa el consell genètic, ja tenim la demanda induïda. Si creem unitats de consell genètic, l'oferta crea demanda. Ara i aquí, és l'hora de la planificació, o potser hem fet tard?