07 de gener 2011

Inconsistència dinàmica

Committing to Exercise: Contract Design for Virtuous Habit Formation

El paper de NBER és oportú per aquestes dates. Va sobre l'aplicació de conceptes d'economia del comportament per tal d'impulsar l'exercici físic, que alguns necessiten més que altres després d'aquestes festes.
El concepte d'inconsistència dinàmica que ens recorda és clau:
Thaler (1981) simplified this problem with two questions about apples. First, would you prefer one apple today or two apples tomorrow? Second, would you
prefer one apple in one year, or two apples in one year and a day? Although the tradeoffs are fundamentally the same, many would choose an apple today over two tomorrow, while none would choose one over two in the future. Dynamic inconsistency
becomes particularly relevant when the decision-maker faces a choice that presents delayed reward and immediate costs, such as exercise. While the prospect of exercising for three months and improving one’s health seems attractive now, the daily decision to exercise is a much more difficult one.
I aleshores es pregunta quin és el mecanisme que pot generar compromís?
what type of commitment device would work best? The deposit contract, where money is forfeited upon failure to complete an agreement, features prominently in the recent literature on financial commitment mechanisms.9 One is inclined to think that the prospect of a financial loss would provide greater incentive than a financial gain based on Kahneman and Tversky’s (1979) results regarding loss aversion -- there is greater disutility from the risk of an equivalently sized loss than there is a utility increase from a comparable monetary gain. The commitment contract in the context of habit formation in exercise is intended as a temporary mechanism whereby the individual manipulates the costs of not exercising in the short-term while their long-term orientation towards and experience of exercise shifts -- the commitment device is needed until the new habit is formed
No desvetllo res més perquè l'article és dels que paguen la pena. També cal dir que hi ha altres maneres d'afrontar el tema, mireu NHS i en especial 5K.

PD. Quin "emboliu" el de l'autisme i la vacuna triple vírica...llegia la historieta al blog de Forbes.

PD. I si voleu saber com es passa de 45 milions de persones no assegurades a 50 milions entre 2007 i 2009 ho podeu contrastar a HA