12 de maig 2024

Podem reimaginar-nos un nou capitalisme? (8)

 The Price Is Wrong. Why Capitalism Won’t Save the Planet

El mecanisme de preus no ha nascut per a capgirar les prioritats energètiques i conservacionistes. El capitalisme no salvarà el planeta, i ningú li ha dit que ho faci. Més aviat fa el contrari. I el socialisme tampoc el salvarà, això ja ho sabem de fa dies.

Today's consensus is that the key to curbing climate change is to produce green electricity and electrify everything possible. The main economic barrier in that project has seemingly been removed. But while prices of solar and wind power have tumbled, the golden era of renewables has yet to materialize.

The problem is that investment is driven by profit, not price, and operating solar and wind farms remains a marginal business, dependent everywhere on the state's financial support.

We cannot expect markets and the private sector to solve the climate crisis while the profits that are their lifeblood remain unappetizing. But there is an alternative to providing surrogate green profits through subsidies: to take energy out of the private sector's hands.

I el llibre proposa una energètica pública? No sé pas on anirem a parar.