31 de gener 2023

La inflació i la despesa sanitària

 Health care financing in times of high inflation

Quin és l'impacte de la inflació de preus en la despesa sanitària? Aquesta és la pregunta que es fa una nota breu de l'OCDE i que convé revisar. Els missatges clau:

  •  Spending on health jumped by almost 1% of GDP across OECD countries, on average, during the pandemic as governments stepped in to cover unexpected public health and treatment costs. The crisis highlighted the need for further investments to strengthen health system resilience in the face of new shocks – estimated to be 1.4% of pre-pandemic GDP, on average across OECD.
  • Russia’s war in Ukraine has added to already rising energy costs with inflationary pressures across much of the OECD. This has repercussions for the cost of health care, as well as the ability to maintain service levels and address the backlog of care due to the pandemic.
  • The economic outlook limits the options to increase overall government spending or allocate more of the government budget to health, which stood at 15%, on average across OECD, but would need to increase by 5 percentage points by 2040 based on projected revenues. Governments can re-examine ways to cut wasteful spending and reassess the benefit basket.
A Catalunya el 2021 va augmentar la despesa pública en salut en un 0,86% del PIB de l'any anterior. 

Què passarà doncs?. 
Les tensions entre augments de despesa i creixement económic feble requeriran decisions intel·ligents de priorització i seran més necessàries que en d'altres ocasions.