19 de febrer 2021

Re-skilling physicians and health professionals

 Skills for the future health workforce: Preparing health professionals for people centred care

This is the focus of the OECD paper:

This paper discusses transversal (core) skills that are required by health professionals for a successful transition from fragmented and disease-centred care towards people-centred healthcare delivery systems. The discussion is motivated by the growing evidence of skills mismatch among health professionals. These transversal skills include interpersonal skills, such as person-centred communication, interprofessional teamwork, self-awareness and socio-cultural sensitivity, as well as analytical skills, such as adaptive problem solving to devise customised care for individual persons, system thinking, openness to continuous learning, and the ability to use digital technologies effectively

Sounds of interest. However, it forgets a key issue. Life sciences are changing and knowledge breaks barriers that gave birth to excessive specialization. Therefore, more issues to add in the next future.

Pequeño Hollywood, Tabernas, Almería, 1991 © Cristina García Rodero