03 de febrer 2021

Laboratory medicine as a data science (2)

 Recent evolutions of machine learning applications in clinical laboratory medicine

You'll find an interesting review about laboratory medicina and machine learning in this article, with applicatons to chemical chemistry, hematology and microbiology.

There has been a recent rise in various ML applications in the field of clinical laboratory medicine. Despite the potential of ML to ameliorate the efficiency of laboratory processes and optimize diagnostic workflows, translation into routine practice is still slow-going. There is a need to raise more awareness about the vast ML landscape among laboratory professionals. Educational programs dealing with theoretical ML concepts as well as their associated challenges and opportunities could stimulate wider acceptance and exploitation in the clinical laboratory. It is important to realize that ML will not  immediately function as a surrogate of the laboratory professional’s neural networks, but will rather act as a valuable supportive tool with the capability of increasing the odds on optimal outcomes for patients accessing health care.

 Margaret Huntington Boehner