28 d’agost 2011

Quan menys és més (salut)

One Word Can Save Your Life: No!

Aquesta setmana l''article de portada del Newsweek explica com en medicina convé foragitar tot allò que no afegeix valor o que fins i tot el disminueix. Un tastet:
Low-tech tests should sometimes be avoided, too. In an Archives paper published this month, a panel of physicians, led by Brown’s Smith, announced its first list of tests and treatments that should be dropped altogether for certain patients and ailments: antibiotics for sinus infections, imaging for low back pain, osteoporosis screening for women under 65, and electrocardiograms and other cardiac screening in low-risk patients. Even blood panels for healthy adults made the list. Today’s comprehensive blood tests measure 15 or so enzymes, proteins, lipids, and the like. Yet by chance alone, if you test for 20 things, something will fall outside the bounds of “normal,” often due to simple lab error.
Bon exemple de retallades que enlloc d'escapçar, milloren la salut.

PS. Article esbiaixat sobre les farmacèutiques. El problema és un altre.