27 de maig 2011


Que reformar la sanitat és complex ja ho sabem de fa dies. Si llegiu The Guardian, trobareu aquestes declaracions sobre com es fa marxa enrera en la proposta de reforma britànica:
In his most dramatic intervention in the government's NHS "listening exercise", Clegg also announced:
• The controversial health regulator Monitor will not "push competition". Its main duty will be to protect the needs of patients.
• The membership of the GP-led consortiums, which lie at the heart of the reforms, will be opened up and no doctors will be forced to join. Lansley had hoped to hand around 65% of the NHS budget to the new consortia which are designed to hand commissioning powers to GPs.
• The NHS will continue to have a "mix of providers" but there will not be a "competition-driven dog-eat-dog market" in which the NHS is "flogged off to the highest bidder". Clegg added that there would be no privatisation of the NHS.
• There will be "no sudden, top-down opening up of all NHS services to any qualified provider".
• Health and social care budgets will be brought closer together.
Tot plegat no ens hauria de servir de consol sino d'esperó per tal de persistir en l'intent de crear els consensos possibles aquí i en aquest moment. És precisament la reforma de laboratori d'en Lansley la que s'ha enfonsat. Les reformes basades en "buzzwords" s'han de guardar en un calaix. Ara convé estar atent als detalls.

PS. Nota de premsa de la conferència d'ahir del conseller a ESADE.