The proposed regulation will:Tot plegat ha enfurismat al sector i en especial al WSJ. Si voleu saber els canvis a partir de l'1 de gener en un article curt, mireu Huffington Post.
- In 2011, require that all insurers seeking rate increases of 10 percent or more in the individual and small group market publicly disclose the proposed increases and the justification for them. Such increases are not presumed unreasonable, but will be analyzed to determine whether they are unreasonable.
- After 2011, a State-specific threshold will be set for disclosure of rate increases, using data and trends that better reflect cost trends particular to that State.
- Under the proposed regulation, States with effective rate review systems would conduct the reviews. If a State lacks the resources or authority to do thorough actuarial reviews, HHS would conduct them. Meanwhile, HHS will continue to make resources available to States to strengthen their rate review processes.
27 de desembre 2010
El nou llindar de preus de l'assegurança
La ministra de salut nordamericana ha introduit una nova regulació de preus màxims de l'assegurança de salut. La proposta representa un canvi institucional crucial en un sector que en deien de "mercat".