15 de novembre 2010

La petja que traginem

A Survey of UK Public Interest in Internet-Based Personal Genome Testing 

The Behavioral Response to Personalized Genetic Information:Will Genetic Risk Profiles Motivate Individuals and Families to Choose More Healthful Behaviors?

L'interès per la informació genòmica creix, però ja va sent hora de preguntar-se si serveix. Dues publicacions han analitzat quina és l'actitud envers aquestes proves i si això els faria canviar el seus hàbits de salut. Al Plos One trobareu l'article. Un resum en un paràgraf:
One in twenty participants (5%) were potentially interested at current prices (£250), however this proportion rose to half (50%) if the test was free of charge. Nearly all respondents who were interested in free PGT reported they would take the test to encourage them to adopt a healthier lifestyle if found to be at high genetic risk of a disease (93%). Around 4 in 5 respondents would have the test to convey genetic risk information to their children and a similar proportion felt that having a PGT would enable their doctor to monitor their health more closely.
I a l'Annual Review of Public Health, un altre:
To conclude, personalized genetic information has its greatest impact on behavior when disease risks are appreciable. Genetic information based on single-gene variants with low risk  probabilities has little impact—either positive or negative—on emotions, cognitions, or behavior. The difficulty of health behavior change, the rapid pace of technology in the areas of genetics (68), environmental assessment (20), and communication modalities (65) suggest the need to accelerate research in evaluating whether new understandings of genetic risk can favorably influence health behavior,
 Ja cal que augmentem l'esforç per a comprendre com l'allau de noves tecnologies tindran un impacte en la salut. L'impacte en el cost ja podem anar descomptant-lo (si és que el podem pagar algun dia).