30 de novembre 2010

En Brook i el racionament

What If Physicians Actually Had to Control Medical Costs?

La pregunta d'en Brook és pertinent:
What if, at the beginning of a year, a physician were to face the following situation? A physician has been told that enough money is available to treat 100 patients who have either condition A or condition B and treating each patient costs US $1000. Based on epidemiological data, the physician is expected to have 100 patients with condition A and 100 patients with condition B during the calendar year. The health benefit of treating patients with condition A is 4 times as great as the health benefit of treating patients with condition B. There is only $100 000 available, which is only enough money to treat half of the 200 patients.
Preguntar-se sobre el racionament explícit obre molts interrogants. Preferim mirar a l'altra banda. Sabem molt poc sobre com els metges racionen. En Brook cita en Mechanic i el seu article on parla de que el racionament és tan implícit que difícilment pot ser explícit.
I tanca dient, els metges han de ser una veu constructiva a l'hora de decidir com els costos sanitaris poden reflectir millor els valors i necessitats socials. Completament d'acord.

El pescador. Sorolla a Sothebysper 3m