Es mostren les entrades ordenades per rellevància per a la consulta genetic tests. Ordena per data Mostra totes les entrades
Es mostren les entrades ordenades per rellevància per a la consulta genetic tests. Ordena per data Mostra totes les entrades

12 de desembre 2021

The value of direct-to-consumer tests

 Direct-to-Consumer Tests on the Market Today. Identifying Valuable Tests from Those with Limited Utility

For health care professionals, the analytical validity of DTC tests is a primary concern. Analytical validity of DTC genetic testing can be defined by analytical sensitivity and specificity whereby analytical sensitivity is defined as how often a test is positive when the genetic variant of interest is present in the tested sample, and the analytical specificity is defined as how often a test result is negative when the tested sample does not contain the genetic variant of interest.18 A recent study by Tandy-Connor and colleagues19 “indicated that 40% of variants in a variety of genes reported in DTC raw data were false positives” when compared with clinical confirmatory testing. This study highlights the need to scrutinize the analytical validity of DTC genetic testing and consider confirmatory testing in a clinical diagnostic genetics laboratory. 

Per the American Society of Human Genetics, “companies offering DTC genetic testing should disclose the sensitivity, specificity and predictive value of the test, and the populations for the information is known, in a readily understandable and accessible fashion.”

Unfortunately, nobody cares about it, and the regulator is still on vacation.

18 de setembre 2016

The anxiety of inaccuracy

Conflicting Interpretation of Genetic Variants and Cancer Risk by Commercial Laboratories as Assessed by the Prospective Registry of Multiplex Testing

What happens if "one quarter of the clinical genetic results from commercially available multiplex cancer panels and reported at the PROMPT registry had conflicting interpretations" and if "36% of conflicting genetic tests results appeared to be clinically relevant, because they were either reported as pathogenic/likely pathogenic"? Does anybody care about it?.
I would suggest today you have a look at this article and your level of anxiety will increase suddenly.
Clinical data and genetic testing results were gathered from1,191 individuals tested for inherited cancer susceptibility and self-enrolled in PROMPT between September 2014 and October 2015. Overall,participants (603 genetic variants) had a result interpreted by more than one laboratory, including at least one submitted to ClinVar, and these were used as the final cohort for the current analysis.

Of the 603 variants, 221 (37%) were classified as a variant of uncertain significance (VUS), 191 (32%) as pathogenic, and 34 (6%) as benign. The interpretation differed among reporting laboratories for 155 (26%). Conflicting interpretations were most frequently reported for CHEK2 and ATM, followed by RAD51C, PALB2, BARD1, NBN, and BRIP1. Among all participants, 56 of 518 (11%) had a variant with conflicting interpretations ranging from pathogenic/likely pathogenic to VUS, a discrepancy that may alter medical management.
Clinical interpretation of genetic testing for increased cancer susceptibility as assessed by multiplex panels hinges on accurate curation and interpretation of variants. Discrepant interpretation of some genetic variants appears to be common.
Take care. The regulator remains on vacation, a never ending vacation.

PS. On genetic testing 

14 de desembre 2017

The urgent need to define delivery models for genetic testing

Identification of Delivery Models for the Provision of Predictive Genetic testing in Europe: Protocol for a Multicentre Qualitative study and a systematic review of the literature

The increasing role of genomics in medical decision making requires a review on how services should be organised. Unless this effort is taken promptly, it will be much more difficult to adapt the messy organization to an efficient model for the delivery of services. This issues are explained in a recent article. The ten questions:

 The transfer of genomic technologies from research to clinical application is influenced not only by several factors inherent to research goals and delivery of healthcare but also by external and commercial interests that may cause the premature introduction of genetic tests in the public or private sector (i.e., introduction of a test despite insufficient evidence regarding its analytical validity, clinical validity, and utility). Furthermore, current genetic services are delivered without a standardized set of process and outcome measures, which are essential for the evaluation of healthcare services. It is important that only genetic/genomic applications with proven efficacy and effectiveness are delivered to populations, and particularly that technologies have favorable cost-effectiveness ratios

10 de maig 2013

Economics of genomics

The Economics of Genomic Medicine - Workshop Summary

Just imagine for a while that you are concerned about economic implications of genomics and you invite a distinguished professor of genetic medicine - James Evans- to the introduction of a workshop at IOM. Instead of more is better, he sends a cautious message to the audience. And beyond the potential and valuable applications for those that are already ill,  he openly critizises the current trend towards the use of genetic tests for the healthy:
Assessing the risk of common diseases through whole genome analysis of a healthy person has received the most attention, but this attention “is somewhat misplaced,” Evans said. Currently, assessment of genetic risk alleles has “rather feeble predictive power” because the increased risks tend to be small. “From a clinical standpoint I don’t know what to do with patients who are at a 1.3 relative risk for colon cancer,” said Evans. “Am I going to hurt them by doing more intensive screening, or am I going to help them?”
"I know what almost everybody in this room is going to die of,” said Evans. “We are going to die of heart disease or cancer. . . . We are all at high risk for these maladies regardless of our [genomically determined] risk. And many at decreased risk for heart disease will still die of heart disease. So we are all going to benefit from interventions that lower heart disease. We don’t really need to target people. It doesn’t do anyone much good to tweak our estimation of an individual’s relative risk for common diseases which we are all at high absolute risk of developing anyway."
 “The old adage that an elephant for a nickel is only a bargain if you have a nickel and you need an elephant applies here. I am not sure most of us need that elephant. Even if free, perceived low cost is an illusion, because the misapplication of medical tests—and make no mistake, whole genome sequencing is a medical test—is very expensive,”
A clear message for geneto-enthusiasts and marketeers. Cost-effectiveness of genetic testing starts with assessing if they are effective. If not, any economic analysis is useless . This is obvious, but we do need to repeat it, just in case.

PS. Must read, Reinhardt's blog.

PS. A report to understand the financial markets' mess and why recovery is far by now.

06 de novembre 2013

Courts as market makers

Recent decision invalidating Myriad patents has had immediate results. The market of genetic tests on breast and ovarian cancer has new entrants. The price of the test has decreased 40% (!) in just four months after the resolution. More entrants are expected in the next future for more tests.
The question is still the same, is there any clear cost-effectiveness analysis available for such tests? Why homebrew tests (LDT) are beyond any regulation? Does any regulator care about all this issues?. The answer is: up to now, we can't see any efforts. Patents create artificial monopolies, courts may create markets when invalidate patents,  but patients are concerned about health improvement and value. In an asymetric information environment, the regulator can't take permanent holidays. Overdiagnosed population doesn't necessarily mean healthier population.

 Forbes Healthcare Summit 2013
Insurance Companies Enter A New World

23 de desembre 2014

European health regulator on holiday

After Canada, the first european country that has allowed recreational genetic testing is UK. Some weeks ago the Ethics Research Committee approved the commercialisation of 23andme test that provides 100 genetic reports. Wired says:
The £125 spit test kit is not a diagnostic test, but instead identifies genes that are associated with inherited conditions including cystic fibrosis, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and sickle cell anaemia. It's not just health information that can be discovered within the results of the test though -- there is also the opportunity for customers to learn more about their inherited traits and genetic ancestry.
Why has the UK approved it and the FDA has restricted the same test in the US?.  Some months ago I explained that european legislation was outdated. Now the genetic testing firm has profited from bad regulation to enter into european market with CE mark. Does anybody know where the regulator is spending their holiday?

PS. While being  so easy to regulate recreational genetic testing under current false advertising rules, why is only the US doing that?. You should know that closer than you think similar tests are available for you. Where is the catalan health regulator?

PS. Why is the tax regulator not on vacation?

Emile Claire Barlow - Jardin d'Hiver

24 de gener 2018

Challenges in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of genomic tests

Type of challengeExample of challengeDescription of challenge
MethodologicalSelecting the appropriate evaluative frameworkIs the standard extra-welfarist view and use of CEA appropriate, or should the distinct theoretical approach reflecting the welfarist view and use of CBA be adopted to allow consequences other than health gain, such as the value of diagnostic information from the genomic-targeted diagnostic test, to be valued?
Relevant study perspectiveIs the standard recommendation to focus on the use of health-care services appropriate when the genomic-targeted diagnostic test may provide information that affects the use of other services, such as education or employment?
Relevant time horizonIs a lifetime sufficient when the impact of a genomic-targeted diagnostic test may extend to infinite time horizons that are not limited by the lifespan of one individual?
Defining the relevant study populationIs the standard definition of a patient (the person receiving the technology) appropriate when there could be spillover effects to family members (currently alive or to be born) as a result of information from a genomic-targeted diagnostic test?
Valuing consequencesIs identifying and measuring the impact on health status alone sufficient to capture the (good and bad) consequences of a genomic-targeted diagnostic test?
TechnicalVariation in the individual characteristics of the relevant study populationThe use of cohort state transition Markov models, sometimes combined with decision trees, cannot easily capture the impact of individual patient variation within a population with different genotypes and phenotypes
Number of diagnostic and, if appropriate, subsequent treatment pathwaysThe use of cohort state transition Markov models, sometimes combined with decision trees, cannot easily account for multiple comparators often needed when evaluating a new genomic-targeted diagnostic test
Capturing impact of reduced time to diagnosisThe use of cohort state transition Markov models, sometimes combined with decision trees, cannot account for the impact of reduced time to achieve a diagnosis, which is often a proposed benefit of a genomic-targeted diagnostic test
Capturing impact of capacity constraintsDecision analytic model-based CEA currently assumes limitless capacity within health-care systems, which is often not a reasonable assumption when introducing a genomic-targeted diagnostic test to populations for whom a diagnosis was not previously available
PracticalAvailability of dataThere is often a lack of data available to populate decision analytic model-based CEA
National tariff of test costNo national tariff for genomic-targeted tests exist
OrganizationalComplex health-care systemsDecision analytic model-based CEA assumes that money saved and benefits accrued are transferable, but this is often challenging in complex health-care systems that comprise an overarching funding mechanism (public, private, insurance), a service and staffing model for providing care for different sectors (community, general practice, hospital, specialist) and a means of allocating funding to these different sectors
Generalizability of resultsDecision analytic model-based CEA is relevant only to the defined decision problem, and decision-makers who want to use the results must decide whether the focus of the analysis is relevant to their own jurisdiction
Expensive nature of health technology assessmentDecision analytic model-based CEA conducted within national health technology assessment processes requires considerable funding and expertise that are not available to all, which may contribute to the inequity in access to new genomic-targeted diagnostic tests across the world
  1. CBA, cost-benefits analysis; CEA, cost-effectiveness analysis.