Es mostren les entrades ordenades per data per a la consulta drug research. Ordena per rellevància Mostra totes les entrades
Es mostren les entrades ordenades per data per a la consulta drug research. Ordena per rellevància Mostra totes les entrades

27 de maig 2024

Els motius i les conseqüències de l'elevat preu dels medicaments

Prescription for the People

El contingut del llibre (orientat als USA):


Part I

1. People Everywhere Are Struggling to Get the Medicines They Need

2. The United States Has a Drug Problem

3. Millions of People Are Dying Needlessly

4. Cancer Patients Face Particularly Deadly Barriers to Medicines

5. The Current Medicine System Neglects Many Major Diseases

Part II

6. Corporate Research and Development Investments Are Exaggerated

7. The Current System Wastes Billions on Drug Marketing

8. The Current System Compromises Physician Integrity and Leads to Unethical Corporate Behavior

9. Medicines Are Priced at Whatever the Market Will Bear

10. Pharmaceutical Corporations Reap History-Making Pro ts

Part III

11. The For-Profit Medicine Arguments Are Patently False

12. Medicine Patents Are Extended Too Far and Too Wide

13. Patent Protectionism Stunts the Development of New Medicines

14. Governments, Not Private Corporations, Drive Medicine Innovation

15. Taxpayers and Patients Pay Twice for Patented Medicines

Part IV

16. Medicines Are a Public Good

17. Medicine Patents Are Arti cial, Recent, and Government-Created

18. The United States and Big Pharma Play the Bully in Extending Patents

19. Pharma-Pushed Trade Agreements Steal the Power of Democratically Elected Governments

Part V

20. Current Law Provides Opportunities for Affordable Generic Medicines

21. There Is a Better Way to Develop Medicines

22. Human Rights Law Demands Access to Essential Medicines




11 de maig 2024

Repensar la innovació en medicaments

 Rethinking Innovation in Drugs: A Pathway to Health for All

En un article recent la Mariana Mazucatto insisteix en el seu argument. És prou conegut i alhora encara convé insistir més. Cal reconèixer el paper del finançament públic a la recerca i innovació en nous medicaments. L'exemple de Moderna i la vacuna de la Covid és prou clar i ja l'he explicat anteriorment. Moderna va rebre 1000 milions $ del govern en ajudes per la recerca i alhora va comprar 1500 milions $ en vacunes per a 100 milions de dosis. El total dedicat pel govern nordamericà a la tecnologia de vacunes mRNA va ser de 31.900 milions $.

Els missatges:

  • It is essential to recognize that health innovation emerges from collective intelligence
  • It is imperative to bolster financial commitments to medical research and development, viewing this as a strategic long-term investment rather than a short-term expenditure, and to protect existing budgets
  • It is crucial to leverage procurement mechanisms to shape market opportunities that align with public health needs  

Malgrat que el finançament és imprescindible, cal una nova governança de la innovació. Unes noves prioritats de recerca i una revisió del problema de les patents. Una proposta que ja s'ha fet moltes vegades però que ningú gosa encapçalar. En altres ocasions ja ho he explicat. Malgrat que les regles del mercat són transnacionals, els governs actuen a l'àmbit nacional. S'han creat organismes multilaterals per garantir el comerç mundial però no per a la regulació necessària de la política sanitària. La OMS en aquest sentit i a l'àmbit dels medicaments afegeix poc.

La Mariana Mazucatto resumeix en aquest article la seva posició sobre la innovació al sector farmacèutic. Ho ha dit en altres llocs, però insisteix que cal una nova governança de la innovació. Bàsicament el missatge és que el govern no pot restar passiu com ara. Reprodueixo el paràgraf clau:

While funding is essential, it alone is not the solution. Government should adopt a mission-oriented approach to drug innovation, setting bold goals related to public health that serve to catalyze innovation and investment — goals that prioritize improved patient outcomes, reduction in disease prevalence, and access equity.Achieving such bold goals would necessitate a reform of intellectual property rights. Moreover, it would require a shift in how collaborations between the public and private sectors are structured to recognize that innovation results from a collective effort, valuing contributions from both public and private entities. And it would require governments to foster collaboration across different ministries, thereby avoiding the compartmentalized governance of health. The excessive tendency of governments to outsource key operations has unfortunately weakened these capacities.

Monet, ara a Orsay


03 de maig 2024

La teranyina que sosté la financialització dels medicaments, la salut i la vida (2)

 Sick with “Shareholder Value”: US Pharma’s Financialized Business Model During the Pandemic

Als USA, la Inflation Reduction Act ha obert la caixa dels trons. La possibilitat que el govern pugui negociar els preus dels medicaments finançats públicament ha desesperat a la indústria que ha engegat una campanya de lobby inusual. Es tracta de protegir els preus alts perquè altrament no hi haurà innovació, això diuen. Però malgrat aquesta campanya, fa pocs dies el WP ja deia que no se n'han sortit i que estem propers a grans canvis, que es resumeixen en aquests 6:

1) Drug price negotiation

2) A cap on out-of-pocket spending

3) Lower prices for insulin

4) Free vaccines

5) Inflation penalty for drug manufacturers. 

6) Extra help for the most vulnerable

El govern vol estalviar fins a 100.000 milions $ en aquests propers anys. I destacaria especialment, això de que si volen augmentar el preu més que la inflació (d'aquells medicaments ja en el mercat) hauran de fer descomptes al finançador públic. Dissuasió per tant de provocar preus excessius.

I aquí és on entra Wall Street que ho rebutja de dalt a baix i que ho veu com una amenaça al model de financialització que ha funcionat fins ara. Diuen que fins a 100 medicaments ja no arribaran al mercat. I aquesta amenaça no creïble no és certa perquè sabem això:

Data for the 474 corporations included in the S&P 500 Index in January 2022 and publicly traded from 2012 through 2021 reveal that these corporations distributed $5.7 trillion as share repurchases during the 2012-2021 fiscal years, representing 55 percent of net income, and $4.2 trillion as dividends, an additional 41 percent of net income.

Les recompres d'accions a la borsa per part de les companyies són un 13% superiors al que dediquen a la innovació.

As shown in Table 1, for the decade 2012-2021, distributions to shareholders by the 14 pharmaceutical companies that were among the 474 S&P 500 companies in the database represented 110 percent of net income,7 a larger proportion than the highly financialized 96 percent for all 474 companies. At 55 percent, the stock buybacks of the subset of pharmaceutical companies was the same proportion of net income as the 474 companies, but, at 54 percent versus 41 percent, pharmaceutical dividends as a proportion of net income far exceeded that of all the companies in the dataset. The 14 pharmaceutical companies accounted for 3.1 percent of the revenues of all 474 companies but 6.6 percent of the net income, 6.6 percent of the buybacks, and 8.8 percent of the dividends. The $747 billion that the pharmaceutical companies distributed to shareholders was 13 percent greater than the $660 billion that these corporations expended on research & development over the decade.

En aquest article de Lazonick hi trobareu molts més detalls sobre com ha canviat el model de negoci amb la biotecnologia. Si amb el model anterior el paper de la borsa era el típic de separació de propietat-control, en el nou les opas eren la forma de control per part de fons de capital-risc i després el paper del NASDAQ va oferir opcions d'entrada i sortida que abans no existien. L'article ho explica magníficament, no ho he vist enlloc més. La interacció de les recompres d'accions amb retribució escandalosa als directius de les companyies farmacèutiques esdevé una cosa mai vista a cap altra indústria.

Any 2021, el màxim directiu de Regeneron va ingressar 452 milions de $. No cal dir res més, tota la taula és una desmesura.

Què cal fer segons Lazonick?. El canvi en la regulació de preus és només el primer pas. Cal prohibir la recompra d'accions, deslligar el pagament dels directius dels valors de l'acció a borsa, posar representants dels accionistes al consell, reformar la fiscalitat de les empreses, encoratjar carreres professionals. 

Molta feina per endavant si es vol capgirar la tendència de financialització dels medicaments que vivim. Altrament, un avís, tot el que als USA es disminueixi com ingressos, voldran que sigui compensat amb fons provinents d'altres països. Per tant cal estar alerta als moviments propers i avançar-se als esdeveniments.


08 de gener 2024

Els medicaments que venen i els que ja s'han aprovat el 2023

És bo fer una ullada a quins són els medicaments que previsiblement s'aprovaran l'any 2024, i els de Nature diuen que són aquests:

Medicaments per aprovar el 2024

Biologic name







Claudin 18.2-targeted mAb

Gastric cancer




Tumour-infiltrating lymphocyte therapy





Thyroid hormone receptor β agonist




Merck & Co./Acceleron

Fusion protein ligand trap for TGF-β superfamily





mRNA-based vaccine

RSV prevention



Eli Lilly

Amyloid-β-targeted mAb

Alzheimer disease




Gene therapy with COL7A2 transgene



Patritumab deruxtecana

Merck & Co.

HER3-targeted ADC





Telomerase inhibitor

Transfusion-dependent anaemia with MDS




DLL3 × CD3 T-cell engager antibody



Fidanacogene elaparvoveca


AAV-based gene therapy with factor IX transgene

Hemophilia B



Laboratoires SERB

Ticagrelor-neutralizing antibody

Drug toxicity




C5-targeted mAb





Factor D inhibitor








Xanomeline plus trospium


Muscarinic receptor modulators





TTR stabilizer

TTR amyloidosis




TFPI-targeted mAb

Haemophilia A and B


Afamitresgene autoleucela


MAGE-A4-targeted autologous, engineered T cell therapy

Synovial sarcoma


Fig. 1 | 30 years of novel FDA approvals. Annual numbers of new molecular entities (NMEs) and biologics license applications (BLAs) approved by the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER). See Table 1 for new approvals in 2023. Products approved by the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), including vaccines and gene therapies, are not included in this drug count (Table 2). Source: FDA.

Fig. 2 | CDER approvals by therapeutic area. Indications that span multiple therapeutic areas are classified under only one, based on which FDA office and division reviewed the approval application. Sources: Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, FDA.

Fig. 3 | CDER approvals by modality. Small molecules, including peptides of up to 40 amino acids in length, and oligonucleotides are approved as new molecular entities (NMEs). Protein-based candidates are approved through biologics license applications (BLAs). mAb, monoclonal antibody; siRNA, small interfering RNA. Source: Nature Reviews Drug Discovery.

I la notícia de l'any ha estat CRISPR:
Vertex and CRISPR Therapeutics’ exagamglogene autotemcel (exa-cel; Casgevy) especially is the first CRISPR–Cas9-based gene editor to secure a green light from the FDA, winning an approval for sickle cell disease (SCD). Exa-cel is an ex vivo gene-edited cell therapy: blood cells are harvested from patients, genetically modified at the BCL11a transcription factor to re-enable fetal haemoglobin production, and then re-infused into patients. The therapeutically upregulated fetal haemoglobin compensates for the defects in β-haemoglobin that cause the diseases. Clinical data shows that the gene therapy has curative potential, although longer-term data are needed to assess the durability of the effect.

When Harvard Medical School and HHMI’s Stuart Orkin and colleagues discovered the role of BCL11a in fetal haemoglobin production in 2008, it was unclear how to drug the transcription factor. The arrival of CRISPR–Cas9 gene-editing system in 2012 provided a path forward for haemoglobinopathies. The development of the programme was “remarkably fast”, said Orkin. “It is a perfect example of how the ecosystem can work.”

Vertex and CRISPR have priced the one-off treatment at $2.2 million. It also requires a harsh preconditioning chemotherapy regimen, to make room for the edited cells. The therapy will consequently remain out of reach for many patients. “This is not the end game,” says Orkin, who has his eye on next-generation gene editors and small molecules that might be more accessible.
PS. Un breu missatge per aquells que mitjançant la seva recerca "obren la porta" a tractaments i ho expliquen al Telenotícies. No n'hi ha cap d'aquesta llista del 2024 ni del 2023 d'aquí sota que sigui un d'ells, la porta segueix oberta, o potser no hi havia porta per obrir. Millor no haver d'estar sentint això sempre, sense explicar-ne el resultat.
PS. The economist sobre el tema

PS. El llistat de medicaments:

Table 1 | CDER approvals in 2023

Drug (brand name)




Lecanemab (Leqembi)a


Amyloid-β-targeted mAb

Alzheimer disease

Bexagliflozin (Brenzavvy)


SGLT2 inhibitor

Glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus

Pirtobrutinib (Jaypirca)

Loxo/Eli Lilly

BTK inhibitor

Mantle cell lymphoma

Elacestrant (Orserdu)


ER antagonist

ER-positive, HER2-negative, ESR1-mutant breast cancer

Daprodustat (Jesduvroq)


HIF-PH inhibitor

Anaemia caused by CKD for adults on dialysis

Velmanase alfa (Lamzede)a


Recombinant α-mannosidase

Non-CNS manifestations of α-mannosidosis

Sparsentan (Filspari)


Endothelin and angiotensin II receptor antagonist

Proteinuria in primary IgA nephropathy

Omaveloxolone (Skyclarys)


Mechanism unknown, NRF2 activator

Friedrich’s ataxia

Zavegepant (Zavzpret)


CGRP receptor antagonist


Trofinetide (Daybue)


Mechanism unknown

Rett syndrome

Retifanlimab (Zynyz)a


PD1-targeted mAb

Merkel cell carcinoma

Rezafungin (Rezzayo)


Echinocandin antifungal

Candidemia and invasive candidiasis

Leniolisib (Joenja)


PI3Kδ inhibitor

Activated PI3Kδ syndrome

Tofersen (Qalsody)


SOD1-targeted ASO

SOD1 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Pegunigalsidase alfa (Elfabrio)a


PEGylated recombinant α-galactosidase Α

Fabry disease

Fezolinetant (Veozah)


Neurokinin 3 receptor antagonist

Hot flashes caused by menopause

Perfluorohexyloctane (Miebo)

Bausch + Lomb

Semifluorinated alkane

Dry eye disease

Epcoritamab (Epkinly)a


CD20 × CD3 T-cell engager

DLBCL and high-grade B-cell lymphoma

Sulbactam, durlobactam (Xacduro)


β-lactam antibacterial plus a β-lactamase inhibitor

Hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia caused by susceptible ABC

Nirmatrelvir, ritonavir (Paxlovid)


SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibitor plus a CYP3A inhibitor

Mild-to-moderate COVID-19

Flotufolastat F18 (Posluma)

Blue Earth

Radioactive diagnostic agent

PET imaging in prostate cancer

Sotagliflozin (Inpefa)


SGLT1/2 inhibitor

Heart failure

Glofitamab (Columvi)a


CD20 × CD3 T-cell engager

DLBLC or large B-cell lymphoma

Ritlecitinib (Litfulo)


JAK3 inhibitor

Alopecia areata

Rozanolixizumab (Rystiggo)a


FcRn-targeted mAb

AChR- or MuSK-antibody-positive gMG

Somatrogon (Ngenla)a


Human growth hormone analogue

Growth hormone deficiency

Nirsevimab (Beyfortus)a


RSV F protein-targeted mAb

RSV lower respiratory tract disease

Quizartinib (Vanflyta)

Daiichi Sankyo

FLT3 kinase inhibitor


Lotilaner (Xdemvy)



Demodex blepharitis

Zuranolone (Zurzuvae)


GABAA receptor PAM

Postpartum depression

Avacincaptad pegol (Izervay)


C5-targeted aptamer

Geographic atrophy secondary to AMD

Talquetamab (Talvey)a


GPRC5D × CD3 T-cell engager

Multiple myeloma

Elranatamab (Elrexfio)a


BCMA × CD3 T-cell engager

Multiple myeloma

Palovarotene (Sohonos)


Retinoic acid receptor agonist

Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva

Pozelimab (Veopoz)a


C5-targeted mAb

CHAPLE disease

Motixafortide (Aphexda)


CXCR4 inhibitor

Hematopoietic stem cell mobilization for autologous transplantation in multiple myeloma

Momelotinib (Ojjaara)


JAK1/2, ALK2 inhibitor

Myelofibrosis in adults with anaemia

Gepirone (Exxua)


5HT1A receptor agonist

Major depressive disorder

Cipaglucosidase alfa (Pombiliti)a


Recombinant α-glucosidase

Pompe disease

Nedosiran (Rivfloza)

Novo Nordisk

LDHA-targeted siRNA

Primary hyperoxaluria type 1

Etrasimod (Velsipity)


S1P receptor modulator

Ulcerative colitis

Zilucoplan (Zilbrysq)


Complement C5 inhibitor

AChR-antibody positive gMG

Bimekizumab (Bimzelx)a


IL-17A/F-targeted mAb

Plaque psoriasis

Vamorolone (Agamree)



Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Mirikizumab (Omvoh)a

Eli Lilly

IL-23-targeted mAb

Ulcerative colitis

Toripalimab (Loqtorzi)a


PD1-targeted mAb

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Fruquintinib (Fruzaqla)


VEGFR1/2/3 kinase inhibitor

Colorectal cancer

Taurolidine, heparin (Defencath)


Thiadiazinane antimicrobial plus an anticoagulant

Incidence of catheter-related bloodstream infections

Repotrectinib (Augtyro)

Bristol Myers Squibb

ROS1 and TRK kinase inhibitor

ROS1-positive NSCLC

Efbemalenograstim alfa (Ryzneuta)a


Recombinant leukocyte growth factor


Capivasertib (Truqap)


AKT kinase inhibitor

Breast cancer

Nirogacestat (Ogsiveo)


γ-secretase inhibitor

Desmoid tumours

Iptacopan (Fabhalta)


Complement factor B inhibitor

Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria

Birch triterpenes (Filsuvez)


Mechanism unknown

Epidermolysis bullosa

Eplontersen (Wainua)


TTR-targeted ASO

hATTR with polyneuropathy