06 de juny 2012

Cercant el sistema de salut eficient (2)

Health care system performance of 27 OECD countries

Veig que hi ha una nova manera de classificar els sistems de salut dels països de l'OCDE: satisfactoris, prometedors, feblement polaritzats, i de resultats limitats. Esquema original en el que passa el de sempre, vol posar en un sac coses que no són el mateix. Intentant minimitzar la variança dins la classe i maximitzar la variança entre classes s'han fet un "emboliu".
Però l'exercici està bé. Feu-hi un cop d'ull, les conclusions són aquestes:

The satisfactory performance profile illustrated by Figure 3 includes six of the 27 countries (22.2%). It is characterized by significantly above-average absolute performance (except for the resource mobilization capacity, which is at an average level) and relative performance. These countries’ health systems, therefore, show satisfactory performance.
The promising performance profile illustrated by Figure 4 includes seven of the 27 countries (25.9%). It is characterized overall by an average or above-average level for both absolute performance and relative performance. Countries with this profile have a health system that is reasonable, acceptable and encouraging.
The weak-polarized performance profile illustrated by Figure 5 includes four of the 27 countries (14.8%). It is characterized overall by below-average absolute performance and above-average relative performance. The countries with these characteristics have an overall level of performance that is polarized.
Finally, the limited performance profile illustrated by Figure 6 includes 10 of the 27 countries (37.0%). It is characterized by a below-average level for both absolute performance and relative performance. The countries with this type of profile have health systems that are limited and perform less well overall
Sempre he pensat que s'hauria d'aplicar l'estadística basada en conjunts difusos per tal de resoldre aquest tipus de problemes. Deixo aquí la referència al llibre per si algú s'hi vol apuntar.

PS. Un altre exemple de la medicina de caixa negra.