15 de novembre 2011

Una veritable tragèdia humana

Health Worker Shortages and Global Justice
Imagineu per un moment que tot d'una arribeu a la terra. Els seus ciutadans es distribueixen segons una densitat demogràfica i alhora porten associada una càrrega de malaltia. Si voleu afrontar-la, hauríeu de pensar que el nombre de recursos a dedicar en quantitat hauria de correspondre's amb la càrrega de malaltia. Doncs bé, llegim al darrer informe de Milbank Memorial Fund:
The human resource crisis affects developed and developing countries, but the global poor suffer disproportionately, not only because they have a much smaller workforce but also because their needs are so much greater. Of the 57 countries with critical shortages, 36 are in Africa. Africa has 25% of the world’s disease burden, but only 3% of the world’s health workers and 1% of the economic resources. In particular, there is an extreme imbalance in the distribution of the estimated 12 million working nurses worldwide: the nurse-to-population ratio is 10 times higher in Europe than in Africa or Southeast Asia, and 10 times higher in North America than in South America.
These sterile numbers mask the real human tragedy of health personnel shortages. Where there are vastly inadequate numbers of health workers trained and employed, people cannot enjoy the good health that will enable them to flourish. They have fewer opportunities to prevent and treat injuries and diseases or to relieve pain and suffering when they are sick or dying. According to the WHO, in many poor countries, the lack of health workers is a major factor in the deaths of large numbers of individuals who would survive if they had access to health care.
La OMS diu que l'escassetat de professionals de la salut ja és el primer problema, fins i tot superior al del finançament. I mentre jo veig aquests desajustos mundials, en trobo d'importants aquí aprop, salvant totes les distàncies i consideracions.

PS. Qui diu que hi ha crisi? Enmig de les retallades, encara es pot anar de vacances als balnearis amb diner públic, aprofiteu-ho si sou pensionistes. Hi ha 2,5 milions d'estades disponibles, (perquè us feu una idea, les estades de malalts ingressats als hospitals són 4,8 milions aprox., per tant de termalisme se n'ofereix la meitat, pas mal) . Això si que és una trista  tragicomèdia!.