Considering the entire international sample, the mean annual salary was US$127.000 and €88.838 respectively, with a median of US$125.000 (€86.895). The lowest salary in the overall sample was US$5.178 (€3.600), a professional from Iran, while the maximum was at US$329.749 (€229.257), a Dir from a Consultancy in the UK. The standard deviations were calculated at US$64.975 and €45.171 respectively. The US dollar numbers for the entire sample have to be interpreted with caution due to the weak US dollar affecting the exchange rates when converting into € (figures from August 23rd 20011 were applied;
The mean salary in the US sample was US$145.760 with a minimum of US$19.000 for a Graduate Research Assistant in academia and a maximum annual salary of $US250.000 for a Chief Operating Officer of a consulting company.
The highest salaries are paid in Switzerland, Denmark, Germany and the US. On the bottom of the pay scale ranges were the countries of Spain, Italy and those within the Emerging markets (e.g. Brazil, China) as well as the central Eastern European markets.
25 de setembre 2011
Els doblers dels economistes de la salut
Un resum del que cobren els economistes de la salut el podem trobar a HealthEconomicsBlog. Té un valor anecdòtic, 193 respostes, la respesentativitat és limitada. Aquí teniu un paràgraf destacat: