15 d’octubre 2010

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Industry sponsored bias in cost effectiveness analyses

Aquesta no és cap sorpresa. Els resultats dels estudis cost-efectivitat (publicats) depenen de qui els paga. Si és la indústria, en el 95% de casos és favorable, si són independents només en el 50%.
Un paràgraf ho resumeix tot:
A study recently published in the International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care build on these findings.3 Garattini and colleagues assessed the relation between industry sponsorship and the findings of pharmacoeconomic analyses performed on single drug treatments from 2004 to 2009. About 95% of 138 analyses sponsored by industry had favourable results compared with only 50% of those without industry sponsorship. Favourable findings were more likely even if the author was affiliated with any consultancy. Despite a lack of clarity regarding some of the investigators’ methodological choices—for example, it was unclear how the investigators ascertained author affiliation with a consultancy—and a limited discussion of the potential explanations for their findings, their results agree with other evidence indicating that the results of industry sponsored pharmacoeconomic analyses should be interpreted with caution.

Avís seriós per a governs que volen introduir l'avaluació econòmica a l'hora de fixar els preus dels medicaments. I si algú no està d'acord amb els resultats, és a temps de rebatre-ho amb un altre article.