Ara en Chandra-Skinner ens mostren una categorització de com la tecnologia afecta a la millora de la salut. Resumidament seria així:
(I) highly cost-effective “home run” innovations with little chance of overuse, such asL'article conté molts aspectes d'interès, però sobretot, quedeu-vos amb aquesta afirmació:
anti-retroviral therapy for HIV, (II) treatments highly effective for some but not for all (e.g. stents), and (III) “gray area” treatments with uncertain clinical value such as ICU days among chronically ill patients. Not surprisingly, countries adopting Category I and effective Category II treatments gain the greatest health improvements, while countries adopting ineffective Category II and Category III treatments experience the most rapid cost growth.
Attributing cost growth and improvements in outcomes to “technology growth” is too simplistic and tells us little about where the cost growth is occurring, whether such growth should be tamed, and if so, how it should be done.
El dia que Diego Rivera faria 125 anys, acompanyat de Frida Khalo