Es mostren les entrades ordenades per data per a la consulta sunstein. Ordena per rellevància Mostra totes les entrades
Es mostren les entrades ordenades per data per a la consulta sunstein. Ordena per rellevància Mostra totes les entrades

12 d’abril 2011

A empentes i rodolons


En Thaler i en Sunstein es pregunten quan necessitem una "empenta". És a dir, tenint en compte que la informació disponible per a prendre decisions és limitada i asimètrica, i que depèn del context on cal prendre-la, mostren una sèrie de situacions interessants. Diuen, la gent necessita "empentes" per a decisions díficils i ocasionals, de les quals no tindran feed-back i que a més a més esdevé complex entendre els termes de la situació. El capítol 4 del llibre Nudge ho explica bé i el 5 mostra com fer-ho. Hi ha qüestions òbvies, per les quals la regulació tracta de contribuir-hi, però n'hi ha d'altres tipus "paternalisme llibertari" que són més complexes d'identificar. Trobem un exemple al capítol 16:
8. Destiny Health Plan. Insurance companies don’t like paying large
medical bills any more than patients do. There is room for some creative
efforts on the part of such companies to work with their customers to improve
people’s health while reducing medical bills for all. Consider here
the Destiny Health Plan now offered in four states (Illinois, Wisconsin,
Michigan, and Colorado). The plan features a Health Vitality Program explicitly
designed to give people an incentive to make healthy choices. A
participant is able to earn “Vitality Bucks” if he works out at a health club
in a particular week, has a child join a soccer league, or completes a bloodpressure check with normal results. Vitality Bucks can be used to obtain
airline tickets, hotel rooms, magazine subscriptions, and electronics. The
Destiny Health Plan is a clever effort to combine health insurance with
nudges designed to get people to live healthier lives
Intueixo que és una mica més complicat, en Thaler i en Sunstein haurien de mostrar-ne els detalls. Mentrestant reflexionem-hi nosaltres.

PD. El termòmetre segueix pujant, però ara ja no fa tanta calor, possiblement és una febre que cal aturar convenientment i després fer el diagnòstic i tractament correcte. A LV trobareu els detalls i aquí el video sencer.

17 d’octubre 2010

Paternalisme liberal

Obesity and the Economics of Prevention: FIT NOT FAT

En Thaler diu que no és ben bé un oxymoron. En Becker aplana el camí per a Posner.En Posner diu clarament que si.
No és tant important si ho és o no, més aviat el més important és la rellevància per la política sanitària. I aquí és on ens cal reflexionar de veritat. Al llibre Obesity and the Economics of Prevention: FIT NOT FAT hi ha un capítol suggerent sobre el paper dels governs i el mercat. La referència al paternalisme liberal es resumeix aquí:
Preferences may also be influenced in more subtle ways than through the direct provision of information. An important example is what has been described as setting the default option by advocates of “libertarian paternalism” (e.g. Sunstein and Thaler, 2003). The underlying principle is that individual preferences driving an act of choice tend to be influenced by how the default option is configured. An example of the default option is the routine association of a certain side dish to a main course ordered in a restaurant. Customers may be entitled to demand an alternative side dish, but if they did not exercise this faculty they would receive the standard (default) option. Using a healthy option as a default instead of a less healthy one would have a significant effect on the number of customers eventually choosing to consume the healthy option. Actions involving changes in default options may display varying degrees of interference with individual choice and they may be perceived as more or less acceptable by consumers depending on the nature of the choices they aim to influence. For instance, changing the order in which food is arranged in a company cafeteria (Sunstein and Thaler, 2003) in order to steer consumer choices towards healthy options would seem to be a fairly non-intrusive action. However, other actions based on the same basic principle, i.e. changing the default option, may be perceived as much more intrusive. An example is policies making organ donations a default, with individuals being allowed to opt out upon request, have been viewed as most controversial and have been fiercely opposed in many countries, despite evidence which shows these policies may increase organ donations by as much as 25-30% compared to countries where the default is not consenting to donation (Abadie and Gay, 2006).

I el que fan els països OECD en relació a l'obesitat es resumeix en aquesta figura:

Si l'obesitat és considerada com el factor de risc més important, aleshores convé saber què cal fer. El llibre de l'OCDE mostra l'estat de situació però queda molt camí per endavant. Al McKinsey Quarterly ens diuen que els governs han d'actuar.