Tots aquells que van fer una aposta desmesurada sobre el que l'economia del comportament podia aportar, és hora de revisar el que deien. Si llegeixen aquest article tindran molts motius per a la reflexió.
El resum en un paràgraf seria aquest:
Our goal has been to provoke discussion of how behavioral science can best inform public policy. We have argued that our field has been excessively focusing on policy interventions targeting individual behavior, and that (1) many critical public policy challenges arise from problematic systemic policies, which are defended by the commercial interests they benefit; (2) those commercial interests promote the virtues of i-frame solutions, while lobbying against s-frame reform; (3) many behaviorally oriented academics, including ourselves, have inadvertently reinforced the ineffective i-frame perspective; and (4) i-frame interventions yield disappointing results, and more importantly, can reduce support for effective s-frame policies.
Així doncs, reflexionem-hi...